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Large Configurable Products (10,000 SKUs)

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Large Configurable Products (10,000 SKUs)



I am creating a jewellery store in Magento 2, and I am having doubts about the way to best create products.


A worst case scenario product; a ring can come in numerous metals, finger sizes, depths and widths. Just with these options alone I end up with nearly 10,000 simple products for a single configurable product. Each of these options effect the price, weight and image of the product. Excluding finger size, where it only changes the price and weight after a certain point, for example finger sizes between 3 and 8 (US) or F and P (UK) are one price and weight, and sizes between 9 and 13 (US) or Q and Z (UK) are another price and weight.

I plan on having about 4 configurable products around this size, and another 100 or so with slightly less options.


The main issue I run into is the page size and load time, which I can only assume is down to the large amount of javascript that is on the page, containing all the prices and image locations for each combination of options, to allow for the price to be updated. Currently using the blank theme with only a single image per product option I get page load times of between 4 and 6 seconds and a page size of around 800kb, but ideally I would have three images per product option, so I can only imagine these will get worse. This is also when the page has been cached, if I refresh the cache the page load time drops to over 30 seconds.


As a side note, I have also changed the way Magento fetches the product images when an option is changed, by default it performs an ajax call to get the data, but this was taking around 10 seconds to complete. So I rewrote the javascript to fetch the image urls from the large pool of javascript already on the page, just like the way it fetches the price, which allows for instantaneous image updating.


Another issue I am facing is when trying to make a change to the configurable product in the admin panel, my browser tends to crash which I can only assume is down to the 10,000 simple products that are trying to be loaded in to the configurations panel.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how else I can create these products, or any way to improve page size and load time with such large configurable products?


Thanks in advance,



Re: Large Configurable Products (10,000 SKUs)

Hey Chris,


Wow that's a lot of combinations! Have you looked into using Custom Options to a simple product instead? That's a more lightweight way of adding combinations to a product of that scale than creating a massive configurable product. 




Magento Solution Consultant at Inviqa (formerly Session Digital) - Leading Magento Gold Partner
My own blog - Think Commerce