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Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

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Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend



while clicking on Save button or any activity at the backend does not effect and it keeps loading. Can you pls suggest how did you solve the same problem? I am stuck



Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

Same issue: tried to narrow it down to the culprit and so far is pointing to the Content > description --> short description. 

If I add a text only description it does save but once I add html code or img link it stops working.

Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

try to hide WYSIWYG editor and just post html code.

there was a bug in the editor which caused a problem with % or something like that.

At least you will know the problem is with WYSIWYG if pasting a plain html code will work.


Anton Pachkine @ : Magento Small Business Package.

Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

Just tried the above and still the same. I did noticed that if I type up the html code and hit the SHOW/HIDE Editor, it strips the html and the image link out and it wont save anyway.


I just did a test by adding the Short_Description to the database through phpMyAdmin and it does display it. This tells me that this problem might just be a bug.. I'll keep searching of  a solution.


Prior to this issue being persistent, I had other products that did not gave me any issues which I set html text on the short description.

Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

Yes, this is it.

If there are some special characters in the content ex. Product description, Magento is not saving changes.

Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

Hi Guys ,
I was struggling with this issue from long time. and Fortunately i found the solution for the same. I tried debugging step by step from Category Save Controller
vendor/magento/module-catalog/Controller/Adminhtml/Category/Save.php execute function and found that everything else working except


this function was falling in infinite time and not executing it successfully.
Then i tried debugging with every attribute of category that was posted .. and after many tried i found that "path" attribute of category object was creating this issue.

Then I looked in table catalog_category_entity and found that parent_id was wrongly assigned and due to this "path" was created wrongly. I corrected this and finally issue resolved.

In your case might be any other catgeory attribute is creating issue.. please debugging in that way. you will surely get the solution. Good Luck.

Vishal N.

Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

Friend, Just flush the cache and hopefully it will resolve the issue.

Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

Have you customized anything for the admin area. Check for console errors when you face any infinite loop while saving data in admin. You can do that using F12 key and click on console before hitting the save button.


Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

For me, the cause it cache directory in var has permission is 775. I changed to 777 and run

rm -rf var/cache/* var/page_cache/* 

then I can save the configuration as normal.

Re: Magento 2 Not saving changes at the backend

Hi @vongts,

Please make sure that you have correct
permission to magento directory.

Try the following command:

sudo find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && sudo find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; && sudo chmod u+x bin/magento


sudo chmod -R 0777 var/ pub/static/ generated/

php bin/magento cache:flush

I hope it will help you!!