Let me simplify.
Product 1 price - 10 EUR
Product 2 price - 100 RUB
This price we have in our price-list. There are 2 base currencies for different products (local products and imported). The exchange rate changes everyday a lot.
Customer buys both Product 1 and Product 2 together in RUB on one website. Is it possible to do in Magento 2?
Multistore functionality doesn't help here as Magento does not convert the price between websites, just uses value (10 in our case). We can use RUB as base currency and update everyday price for Product 1 to make it the same in EUR when customer selects Display Currency EUR. And we have thousands of products.
Is there any extension to do that?
P.S. The only idea I have found is to make a new attribute, save there the price in EUR and update every day the base price in RUB with the exchange rate. Is there any module for that?
Really? No solutions?