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Re-arrange search category positioning

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Re-arrange search category positioning

How do I re-arrange the order of the categories in 'All Categories' drop down shown below?

Categories in admin are already correct but search bar shows in wrong order.




Re: Re-arrange search category positioning

Hello @tony_whittam,


Can you please upload a screenshot on third-party service and give us link. We couldn't see your attached screenshot. After we can resolve your issue. Also, let me know have you installed any third party extension for the menu.


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Re: Re-arrange search category positioning



The website is you will see the search box at the top of every page the 'All Categories' drop down is in the wrong order, I rearreanged the categories in admin by drag and drop but the categories in the search bar remained the same, I'm assuming that somewhere they have a position number assigned to them in the database but I'm not sure where.screenshotallcategories.jpg



image link:


Thank you for helping

Re: Re-arrange search category positioning

I have not installed a third party menu, only theme.

Re: Re-arrange search category positioning

Hello @tony_whittam,


Please login admin side and goto Catalog > Manage Category after click on Expand All link, Check attached screenshot



Here, you can change the order of category by drag and drop. After change any category order then clear cache and check frontend.


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Re: Re-arrange search category positioning


Unfortunately that does not solve my issue.

The categories are in the correct order inside Admin > Categories as I have already moved them around but after moving in Admin > Categories they DID NOT rearreange in the front end search bar 'All Categories' drop down list.searchdropdown.jpg





Re: Re-arrange search category positioning

Hello @tony_whittam,


Please attach your manage category's screenshot here


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Re: Re-arrange search category positioning

Here is screenshotadmincategories.jpg



Categories in admin are in the same order as front end navigation bar but the front end search bar at the top of every page has a drop down called 'All categories', the category positions are in a different order.


I feel the order in the drop down may be determined by the category ID maybe the ID was allocated as each category was constructed as the categories have been repositioned but IDs would remain the same.


Maybe I need to change ID numbers of categories?



Re: Re-arrange search category positioning

Hello @tony_whittam,


You can't change category ID in magento 2. Please check any configuration for search in theme extension configuration.


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