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SSL installed and Admin is gone

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SSL installed and Admin is gone

I've been able to correctly configure my ssl for  This is confirmed using DigiCert® SSL Installation Diagnostics Tool.
After the key was installed my has always returned ...

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443

My install of phpmyadmin is working fine with a https protocol.  I've confirmed the core_config_data in the table php_records.jpg If I try to go to my home page in https protocol the web site is not rendering correctly.  I get only textual links.
I'm not generating an errors in the apache2 log

I've cleared cache many times in terminal


Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

Hello @FoodHome 


Try below steps:


  • In the Use Secure URLS in Storefront: To make all storefront pages accessible only by https:// or SSL Certificate, select yes option to enable it.
  • In the Use Secure URLs on Admin: To make the administration interface accessible only by https:// or SSL, select yes from the drop-down.

Clear Magento cache using this command: php bin/magento c:f


Try now still not work then run below command:

chmod -R 0777 var/ pub/ generated/

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


Manish Mittal

Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

I can not access any part of my admin area with Magento.
I tried all your terminal links and this did not change anything.

Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

Hello @GrocExp 


Change from admin again same as earlier then you will be able to access Admin and then follow these steps. thanks

Manish Mittal

Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

@FoodHome your ssl is not properly installed.


As i have checked this url "" without https and it is working fine.


So please open this with http and then make the desirable changes again and check the setup of https if you are missing any step.



Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

I didn't realize the http protocol for admin was available.  I was able to login using http:  I changed the https: base url in Store > Configuration > Web.  Upon saving the change the web site then responded again with 

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 443Now I'm not able to login with the http protocol as the web site is forcing to use https protocol.
I changed the link for static and frontend to use https:

These pages are continuing to render only text without any application of .css.

Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

@FoodHome use the below commands and check whether it is working fine or not.


sudo rm -rf var/cache/* generated/* pub/static/*

sudo chmod 777 -R var/ generated/ pub/static/

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

php bin/magento cache:flush

Let me know the results after running these commands.



Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

Thank you for giving me suggestions in attempt to resolve my issue.

I have executed the steps you suggested and I have summarized all this activity in a video I posted to YouTube.  Hopefully this forum will allow you to view this link.

Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

@FoodHome I have checked the video and in that you have two commands at a time.

So please run the commands one by one.


sudo rm -rf var/cache/* pub/static/* generated/*

sudo chmod 777 -R var/ pub/static/ generated/

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

php bin/magento cache:flush


Re: SSL installed and Admin is gone

Onward and upward.  I've followed your instructions.  I've tried to also post additional information that may be of interest in this new video.