Hi all,
I need to have TWO shipping methods table rate in my store.
I wil need 1 for only bringing the goods
and i wil need 1 for bringing and fetching the goods.
So i thought of this workaround in my head ;
Lets use the table rate shipping as base , which is option(1)
Adjust the html file so that there is also a option (2) with is TWICE the table rate shipping
the costumer then should see at the one page checkout ;
0 Table rate 20 eur Bringing the goods
0 Table rate 40 eur Bring and fetch the goods
as you can see , the 40 euro rate is the double of 20 , so just *2.......
There is only 1 shipping method active and that is table rate shipping, so the system should have to choose between shipment methods etc.
I cannot image that there is no easy way to do this in the html files of the shipment module, however i am lost in code at this moment.
So any help would be appreciated.