I have setup a ubuntu 18 server with a single domain shirt-printing.co.uk where I have installed magento 2.4 and all works fine.
I have created a magento website for Kentschoolwear.com and setup it up on the server as a website with a store called ksu.
I have pointed the domain at the server and it gets to the default site ok.
I believe I have configured the store url's etc, but everything I try I still don't see the site, the site is working, all the products are in the new website but I can't see to see what I have missed. I'm assuming maybe I need to change apache settings but looking at all the docs can't find what I have missed.
Hello @frizbeecouk
You need to point the domain to your project folder.
and then you can setup Magento domain by following command :
php bin/magento config:set web/secure/base_url https://NEW_DOMAIN/
php bin/magento config:set web/unsecure/base_url http://NEW_DOMAIN/
Let us know if it works !