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backoffice not loading correctly

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backoffice not loading correctly



magento 2.2.8


magento backoffice is not loading correctly, see screenhot of it... Now it is not loading the menu images either. Before lunch they were loading fine. We had some issues before lunch here where I couldn't load categories but now it is all over....


I have flush the cache via SSH


can it be different users have the admin pages open on their computer?

can it cache issues? I have tested uing Chrome in incognity mode and see the same issue there...


any ideas?


Re: backoffice not loading correctly

Hi @Loginname,


Are you using magento recommended server configuration? May I know. I can able to see your screenshot. can you please re-upload it again?


May be issue in the server configuration.


If my solution is useful, give kudos and accept as solution

Best regards

Re: backoffice not loading correctly



Try running following commands from magento root:


sudo php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

sudo php bin/magento setup:upgrade

sudo php bin/magento cache:flush

sudo chmod -R 0777 pub/ var/ generated/


Accept as solution and kudos if it works!