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var/session and var/tmp folder are both empty. Does this mean my session files are not generating?

var/session and var/tmp folder are both empty. Does this mean my session files are not generating?


I'm new to Magento. I am not able to create a new customer through the front end and I noticed that my var/session and var/tmp folders are empty. Are my sessions not working? 


I have given my entire var folder in my magento root file permission 777. I have checked the app/etc/env.php for the session info and all I see is "file". So that means its being saved somewhere on the files and not the db. For whatever reason, I do not have a php.ini file. 


Here is my default cookie settings

Cookie Lifetime: 86400

Cookie Path: /

Cookie Domain:

Use Http only: yes

Cookie restriction mode: no


For Cookie Domain I have tried leaving that blank (saw no changes) and I have tried adding a dot before it but that made logging into an existing account also failing.