Feature request from avoking100, posted on GitHub Feb 05, 2016
Hello guys. New to Github, New to M2, New to bugs.
When I add a new "Configurable product" I need to choose "weight". Now, since I dont have weight for this product, I choose "Weight" = No.
When I create configurations for this product, i see it generates VIRTUAL products instead of SIMPLE products. The problem is I want SIMPLE products, even I do not have a weight (!).
After I load the product again I See "Weight" =" yes", I try to save it as "NO" but it always keep showing "yes".
Now, the problem with Virtual products that are generated, is: when I go to checkout selection these products it does not offer me to enter shipping address. So this issue is critical for me. I can not make SIMPLE products using a "Configurable product" because I do not have a weight?
I hope anyone can help me and confirm it is a bug.
Thank you!