Feature request from tzyganu, posted on GitHub Aug 05, 2014
I think it would be a nice improvement for the user experience if in the backend grids of child entities, where there is a parent identification column, this column to be a link to the parent entity edit page.
Here are some examples.
In the shipments grid, the order increment id should be a link to the order edit page. (Same goes for invoice and creditnotes grids).
In the product grid, the attribute set should be a link to the attribute set edit page.
This can be taken even further, for sibling entities.
For example in the category add/edit page, in the 'Associated products' table, the product name can have a link to the product edit page (maybe target="_blank").
This way the user has all the information one click away.
I admit the idea isn't mine. Someone requested this for one of my extensions for 1.x, but I think this should be a nice out of the box feature.
There is already a column rendered for links (edit link for example). It just needs a dynamic label depending on the row.