Feature request from dvynograd, posted on GitHub Aug 07, 2016
This PR is fixing the issue that happens due to crashes during merging xml layout updates for widgets.
Create a new widget.
Specify the next settings:
Type: CMS Page Link (Can be any widget which has user filling fields in widget the option section).
Design Package/Theme: Magento LUMA
Assign to Store Views: All store view.
Layout Updates: Add Layout Update -> Display on -> All pages.
Widget Options:
Anchor Custom Text: “
Anchor Custom Title: “
Save a widget, clear the cache and open any page on the frontend.
See new link added to a page.
Exception is appeared (see
Note The issue is reproducible for any html character. This problem was fixed by adding CDATA in xml source.
But also there is a second case with special character see 1.xml.txt

That part of issue was fixed by changing filter to ENT_DISALLOWED in htmlspecialchars function.