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Media Uploader Issues

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Media Uploader Issues

Feature request from Khaleel, posted on GitHub Jan 11, 2016


I want to raise some issues on the hideous and bloated Media uploader for Magento 2 and shoot the person who built this pile of crap.

  • Cannot upload SVG images
  • Poor UI and UX
  • No indication of uploaded content
  • Firefox has thousands of issues including JS issues with not allowing the upload option to show
  • The upload button is text and should be made to a button
  • No history tracking

It does not even work half the time in Chrome or Firefox. Since the last update the design has also broken and why does it scale full screen to to the right?

New Member
Status changed to: Investigating
New Member

Comment from Khaleel, posted on GitHub Jan 11, 2016

screen shot 2016-01-11 at 3 28 20 pm

Should be a button ^

screen shot 2016-01-11 at 3 28 10 pm

Why does it scale to the right half the screen?

Is is possible to use another Image or File Manager; OpenCart has a better manager than this.

New Member

Comment from benmarks, posted on GitHub Jan 11, 2016

"...and shoot the person who built this pile of crap."

That's completely unnecessary and unprofessional, @Khaleel.

New Member

Comment from Khaleel, posted on GitHub Jan 12, 2016

If no emotion is shown then how can we progress.

New Member

Comment from benmarks, posted on GitHub Jan 12, 2016

*"If no emotion is shown then how can we progress."

The answer is simple: we're professionals, a fact demonstrated by the issues resolved in this channel without (or in spite of) emotional appeal. Note that there is a massive difference between expressing frustration and threatening violence (which you did). Do not make that mistake again please. It adds nothing of merit to the report (which in itself is quite valuable), and similar conduct in the future would render you unwelcome for continued participation. Feel free to express frustration if you must, but do so in a civil manner.

We're all developers here, and we know how frustrating it is to encounter bugs. Our aim is to move the software forward with the help of the folks using it.

New Member

Comment from Khaleel, posted on GitHub Feb 03, 2016

Hi Your comments are fair and yes we are all developers and we should try to work better via communication.

So, is there any updates of improving the media uploader - adding search, history and better archiving and UI and UX folder structures. Support for SVG - adding Arabic and other language support via UTF due to charset issues..


New Member

Comment from pboisvert, posted on GitHub May 04, 2016

@antboiko Anton--does this fall under product creation ownership? if so please accept and route as either issues or feature requests as applicable

New Member

Comment from BenSpace48, posted on GitHub May 17, 2016

I was just creating an issue for the SVG point and saw this, so I'll put my info here:

SVGs can't be uploaded through the admin.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a static block
  2. Add an image
  3. Try to upload an SVG

Expected result

  1. SVG is uploaded and can be added through the WYSIWYG editor

Actual result

  1. 'Please wait' spinner appears, then nothing has changed.


  • Other image formats are working fine, just not SVGs
  • No related errors are given and nothing related in the logs
  • Magento 2.0.4
New Member

Comment from Khaleel, posted on GitHub May 17, 2016

This applies anywhere inside of M2 - even the latest GA releases; you cannot upload any form of SVG

New Member

Comment from BenSpace48, posted on GitHub May 17, 2016

Seems a rather odd choice as Magento 2 is attempting to push forward with up to date technologies.