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Switching store groups when in category

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Switching store groups when in category

Feature request from snky1987, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

When I was in a sample category (201) and changed store group in a footer I received 404 error (which is correct).

I think it may be useful to reset view into main view when change store group (unless there is a option to show different products under the same category depends on store group).

It's not a bug but I am 99% sure that it will come back as an issue to any agency that set up Magento multi-store.

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Status changed to: Investigating
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Comment from waynetheisinger, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

+1 or to put it another way "404 response should be prevented and user should be redirected to homepage whenever the action that has caused the potential 404 is a switching of a storegroup"

New Member

Comment from snky1987, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

@waynemowdirect thanks but in some cases 404 is required otherwise people will struggle with "Why it redirects me?" e.g. when someone try to access non active category form Google search engine (or AdWords). But its for a different conversation Smiley Wink

New Member

Comment from waynetheisinger, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

@snky1987 ah yes, but that wouldn't be caused by the switching of a store group... that would visiting a URL that magento doesn't know how to display -

What I was trying to explain was if the user does an action, like manually switching a storegroup using the footer dropdown, magento should know how to display content, the customer is asking us to change stores and display some content... hopefully in the same, or at least similar, category of product to those on the page presently being viewed.

Magento shouldn't return a 404, as the user has chosen to do something that from a usability point of view is foreseeable, the user is expecting to see content from a different store, and expects us to understand that, therefore from a usability point of view a 404 should be avoided and the user should be redirected a category higher in the tree, if one exists, or the homepage, if one doesn't.

A 404 should be reserved for actions where we can't determine what a desired and logical action should be...

New Member

Comment from snky1987, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

@waynemowdirect yes you are right so we get the same point in a bit different way Smiley Happy its just my english skills, sorry Smiley Happy

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Comment from waynetheisinger, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

your english is perfect, and your reply continued the discussion which is always a good thing...

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Comment from orlangur, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

When category exists in both store groups, switching store groups must just change URLs, but category remains the same, right?

But when there is no current route in store group user switched to, why perform an immediate redirect? Other option could be to show some fancy 404 page with message "There is no AAA route in BBB store group." and a couple of links "Go back to CCC category in DDD store view", "Go to BBB store group home page".

New Member

Comment from snky1987, posted on GitHub Jan 05, 2015

To be honest there is no need to complicate things like that. Most of business models will say that when you enter (or swith to) store they would prefer to show special offers, discounts etc. that are usually on the homepage.

Following this kind of thinking there would be much less code to write and whats follows after more code clarity and better engine speed Smiley Happy its important to think about it with every sigle line of code.

New Member

Comment from verklov, posted on GitHub Jan 30, 2015

@snky1987, thank you for your suggestion! We created the ticket in the internal tracker and put it to the backlog. PM responsible for the area will review it and make the appropriate decision. Internal ID: MAGETWO-33440.