Showing ideas with label extensions.
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As a customer, I would like to sort my wishlist or requisition list items individually so that I can can group products together and organize my lists 1. Magento 2.2 w/B2B extension 2. While on a requisition list with more than one item 3. Dragging my items will change their order within the list 4. On drop, the item position will be saved via ajax 5. On refresh, my item positions will be preserved
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Our website like many, many others charges customer credit cards when they order therefore automatically creating an Invoice. Our customers can change their order before shipment so we need ability to edit the Invoice in exactly the same way as editing an Order. To take this one step farther, it would also be nice if the original Total Price could be tracked so that when the Invoice is edited, the delta charge/refund amount is shown and can be charged or refunded to the credit card.
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admin panel
Hi, I've see as of April 7, 2017 that Magento is rolling out a B2B Cloud for the Enterprise edition. I wonder if this is being considered, or some iteration, for the Community edition? I think this would be a great addition.
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Many languages for storeview are not yet availabe on magento connect including Lao. provide Lao language package. I will be appreciated for supporting the translation. English to Lao
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Right now Shipping Address and Shipping Methods are in the same JavaScript uiComponent. This is fine for the most part, unless you want to add additional sections between them. This would be as easy as adding a new region foreach between the shipping address and shipping method sections of checkout\shipping.html
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I have an suggestion to include some simple sample modules (no documentation, but actual modules) that uses KnockoutJs to "Magento 2 sample module" package.
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We are a canadian business, and the exchange rate has been getting worse and worse. Displaying prices in CAD on our website gives an impression of expensiveness. I'd like to replicate what eBay/Paypal does: customer can choose to pay in USD or CAD. If they pay in USD, their credit card will do the conversion (unless they have a USD credit card). If they pay in CAD, they will pay the price displayed on the website. If they pay in USD, I'd like the money to be deposited in our USD account. If they pay in CAD, I'd like the money to be deposited in our CAD account. It seems like what I'm seeking is not supported by Adobe Commerce / Magento 2, and yet: I think it would be a fantastic improvement.
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Hi, We are using Live Search on Adobe Commerce 2.4.7. Right now the merchandizing rules are really limitative in terms of how we can manually add rules to sort products in a PLP or a Search Result page. We can only Boost / Bury / Pin / Hide a product by SKU, which is not really useful and really time consuming when we need to merchandize large catalogs. Would it be possible to add a ruling system according to product attributes ? For example a rule that would allow us to Boost product that have the color = red ? Let us know, Francis
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My questions are how to add dropdown to the shipping method section and if specific method has been selected (the one that developers have been thought about) make address field required to be filled? I have added image about what i am asking to the post. History: In magento 1.X the developers just edited the phtml file that displayed the shipping method (can be found, when searched) but in magento 2.x uses html files where php can't be used. Example: some countries uses post-offices where customers can get their orders. So the shop owners need possibility to add dropdown of post offices to the website. Also when they can select to pick up in post office or shop then why they need to add their address making the address field dependable with selected shipping method. I have tired to solve it myself but I do not like none of the solutions that i have came up with: adding the selection field with jQuery (somehow adding it to the order) below shipping method its content depends on shipping method that is selected (main disadvantages are that it might decrease the speed and user has to scroll down to add post office) or writing completely new shipping module that contains this possibility (Magento updates might have added dependency or changed the overwritten files that might brake the website or make module unresponsive - writing new module means writing over many default files rising risks and making the default shipping method useless (main functionality in this kind cms)). I have tried to ask help Magento Community Forums (programming section) and Magento Stack Exchange - no response! Both of these websites contains a lot of questions about checkout page that are without no replies including many almost duplicate questions about the problem i am facing . Are they without answer because developers lack such knowledge or something else that is unclear. The main issue is, that I find those functionalities described elementary in such cms and can not understand why they are not added. Why developers have not thought about that user group - Magento is used all over the globe and so should be the features that can be added without changing too much the original code? The modules (extendability) not included to Magento should be dealing with only special requirements like slider or adding blocks (that has been well documented) or third party connection (Facebook, POS... ) ... But not functionalities like those where there is atleast entire country in need such features! Difficulty adding such features (that most developers can not manage (posts i have found in web while researching [example1])) is not allowing the shop owners to began using Magento 2.
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Currently, we can only see top-line data on the revenue generated from each product recommendation block. Could I put in a feature request so we can see which SKUs were sold please? In other words, what actually makes up the top-line number reported in the admin.
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admin panel
For example, if we search for "fiter" it shows us results for "filter" in the response as expected but there's no messaging for "Did you mean?" or "showing results for filter" Currently, there is nothing in the live search response indicating what it's showing results for when the customer mis-types or it is showing results due to a fuzzy match. Because of this, we can't show that it Didn't find results for "fiter" but it's showing you results for "filter" instead.
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Shared Catalog entity is among few entities that do not have extension attributes support. B2B clients frequently request creating assign additional attributes for Shared Catalogs, and extension attributes feature would be really helpful to achieve that.
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Hi, As technically described here, Bearer and OAuth 1.0 integrations are deprecated in Magento 2. In order to securely authentificate external APIs into Magento, it would be very useful to upgrade the Integrations extension in Magento 2 core. The topic is "Ready for grooming" since Dec. 9, 2021. Is there by any chance an expected timeline for this feature? Thank you!
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In order to display customer data on pages cached in the full page cache (Varnish or built in), the Magento framework and Magento customer module provide a number of related tools that enable this feature. Some details are outlined in the official documentation found at Creating such a dynamic section on a cached page requires the use of two interfaces: * Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface * Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface The interface Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface is only referenced in the configuration file etc/frontend/di.xml, but the interface Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface has to be implemented in a custom class. These interfaces currently are not marked with the @api annotation. Please add this annotation so the feature can be used in custom modules. This actually also extends to the JavaScript "classes" Magento_Customer/js/customer-data and Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/element/element (a.k.a uiElement). Please also mark these as stable so the feature can be used as described in the documentation. Thank you!
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When you need to sell your products to multiple countries (especially in Europe), you want to have dedicated Storeviews which are fixing the complex parameters of Locales, Currency, Allowed Shipping Destination, TAX, etc. But Magento doesn't allow to funnel the Registered customers to some dedicated storeview, specially designed for matching their core parameters. And there is not extension existing currently in order to force a customer into its own dedicated storeview, at moment of login. The idea here is about bringing into Magento 2 roadmap, the ability to force a registered customer to a specific Storeview at the moment of Login, and allow Admin to manage this functionality. This is also to allow Admin to fix the Allowed countries at StoreView level (vs.only at Storelevel today), in order to force the customer to select the StoreView of its country of Residence/Registration. Such feature would be very useful for all merchants who has a market perimeter beyond one country (it would mean a lot of merchants). It would also be customer friendly and avoid Account creation errors made by the customer. If you need more details, please comment.
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The new Media gallery introduced in the 2.4.2x series doesn't allow you to enter a hyphen or underscore when naming a newly created folder. It displays this error when you try: "Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z) or numbers (0-9) in this field. No spaces or other characters are allowed." Steps to Reproduce: Go to Content Menu -> Media Manager Click on a folder WYSIWYG folder to expand sub folders Select a folder to create a sub folder in. e.g. "WYSIYWG" Click Create Folder button Enter in "test-folder" or "test_folder" Click Confirm Error message appears. I'm proposing Magento make a configuration file or something similar that would allow the user to whitelist characters to be allowed in a folder name. Previous versions of the gallery allowed users to put hyphens and underscores in folder names. Hyphens and underscores are commonly used in folder naming conventions. I see no security risk in allowing these specific characters. Would love to see this implemented as it doesn't seem very difficult.
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Add CLI command to create new module folder under app/code directory with registration.php and etc/module.xml files. Something like bin/magento module:create Vendor_ModuleName
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Currently, any time you add a Customer Group to Magento, you have to manually go through any record that uses the 'Customer Groups' selector and select the newly created Customer Group. This includes Catalog Price Rules, Cart Price Rules, and many 3rd party extensions. On large stores with many Customer Groups and Price Rules, this is very time consuming. Please add an 'All Customer Groups' selector, so users do not have to manually go through records to tag new Customer Groups.
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I'm running Magento 2.3.5. Some of my products have Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart set to greater than one. For example, product A has Minimum Qty Allowed in Cart: 7. Currently, the QTY of A is 10. Now a customer bought 7 of A and now QTY becomes 3. At this moment the status of this item is still In Stock, however, customers can't add it to the cart and the error will pop up saying the qty is greater than the stock. A lot of my customers got confused. This is very annoying and this affects the user experience. So I wanted to make the product 'out of stock' programmatically when qty is less than the 'Minimum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart'. I tried to set the out of stock threshold to 6 to achieve this, but then it only allows people to buy 4 even though I have 10. If I want to write a plugin or override some classes, where should I start with? Thank you!
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When we were on Magento 1, we used a Crius Dropshipping module (no longer around) which created a purchase order with the customer info for each vendor who had a product in the order. The POs were generated at the same time as the order confirmation and they were sent to a designated email address for each vendor (I had them sent to me and I forwarded them to the vendor). The module utilized transactional email templates that I set up for each vendor. It was pretty basic, but the email PO is all I really needed since I don't manage inventory. It seems like this would be a fairly easy feature to add from a development standpoint since it mimics much of the order confirmation functionality.
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