Showing ideas with label CMS.
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Hi everyone,
In most of the pages in Magento, we can find the "State/Province" before the "Country" field. Since the "State/Province" depends on the country, that is confusing since the customer has go to next field and select the country, and then go back to the previous field and select the state/province.
This is not correct in the most important page in the storefront, the onepage checkout:
And you can also see the wrong order in some pages of the admin panel:
In other pages, like the shopping cart page, the order is correct:
It would be better if the country can be selected first, then the state/province and finally the ZIP/Postal Code (just like the shopping cart page).
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admin panel
At the moment, if you are trying to add an image to a product, you can only upload one from your computer and that gets uploaded directly to the server. You cannot upload an image from the media gallery. This should be an OOB feature. The same happens with list and post images for posts. You cannot upload/access these from the media gallery. This should be an OOB feature.
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Hello, We are stuck in using 3rd part blog modules and or integration of additional CMS such as Wordpress to use as blogging on website. I know allot of big companies have such issues as well and they stuck in using wordpress as blog together with magento 2 which is not good to use 2 different CMS solutions. It will be best if you integrate internal blog solution that can be simple and easy to use, where we can add blog categories and content post to each category and can have option to add category into top menu to link to blog page. I hope you will look into that solution to integrate, special in enterprise edition.
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A solution to sort attribute options, for example alphabetically, would be great. The drag & drop function does not meet our needs for the sorting. For example, if you have hundreds of colors (options) in the color attribute or brands in the brand attribute, it becomes very inefficient to use the drag & drop sorting functionality. Is there a possibility to add sorting based on option position or alphabetically for all attributes? It used to be standard in Magento 1.
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Hi, I am facing a problem with configurable products. If you create a configurable product and create some product variations based on lets say color & size, if you change the price and image for a specific variation and select this variation on the configurable product page, the price and image will change. This is a very good feature altough the expected behaviour for me would be that the description and specifications for this selected variation would be shown, in stead of the specifications of the configurable product itself. Why does it change the price and image, but not the description and product specifications? I attached a screenshot to give you an idea of the issue. I also used to have this problem in Magento 1 and found a module for this which solved the problem. However this module is not supported for Magento 2. Is there a way this can be done programmatically or fixed in the core? Kind regards, Falco
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In Page Builder, when selecting images, the tiled view is acceptable until you have a lot of images in a single folder. Another view option, list / details, would be optimal here. This would allow you to see the full file name, size, type, etc. and allow for sorting on any of the columns.
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Requesting a change to Page Builder text editor element to include the html view button in the TinyMCE toolbar. In Magento 2.3.3 when I insert the text editor element into a page or block I'm working I only have standard formatting controls (bold, itallic, style, paragraph and etc. If I need to do any kind of additional editing of content to add div tags to style content via CSS, add Google event tags or adding any html code not availbe in the toolbar I can't. There is no way for me to edit the content's source code. There is an html element that can be dragged in however you can't flip back and forth from code to WYSIWYG mode to review your changes. This makes it difficult creating content because you're either making only allowed basic formatting or you have to do everything in pure html. No the most user friendly experience for site users. In Magento 1.14.x TinyMCE had a view source button that would allow us to toggle back and forth for ease of editing. I'd like to see this feature restored to core functionality. I did see a git commit for this exact feature here: I think its critical that content marketers have this feature to allow them to quickly create blog posts, product pages and blocks with ease of use in mind. Coding via pure html is time consuming for non developers. Please consider this feature to implement in the near future.
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Can we have a disable/delete all or select catalog/cart price rule in Magento Admin > MARKETING > Promotions - Catalog/Cart Price Rule page? With this feature it won't be hassle of marketing handlers to disable/delete each rule at a time.
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admin panel
Magento 2, just like Magento 1, uses a WAY too aggressive image compression when product images are uploaded. They look blurry and dirty, and almost unusable - regardless of the quality or the resolution of the uploaded image. It would be great to be able to turn off or adjust the level of compression applied by Magento. Catalogue images need to look crisp, sharp and professional. Thank you!
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admin panel
At the moment Adobe Live Search for Magento only supports searching for products. I'd like to suggest it be extended to support searching for CMS page content as well. Our website has lots of content related to our products and it would be great to have that content show up within the search results for customers to find. Our current search provider Algolia can serve up CMS content results along with products in the same search query. In the search pop up, I'd like to see CMS search results in the left column and products shown in the right. In addition, it would be great if Live search could be extended to support indexing of 3rd party extensions for additional searchable content. For example, my company sells books. We created a custom module that databases authors who wrote the books we sell. This database is displayed to customers on the front-end of the site. Each author has page with their biography and a list of active products. Authors are also linked to from the product page. I'd love to be able to create a custom Live Search extension the would allow our authors to be searched on by name. Another example is Blog software. We use a blogging extension provided by a premium Magento partner and having their blog content showing up within site search would be great as well.
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Magento 2 Should have basic features like sending out of stock & Low stock products email to admin.
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admin panel
Idear is a function similar to "duplicated and edit" or "Copy and edit" like in products. But for static blocks and cms pages. It's very annoying if you got a store with multiple languages and you need to copy static blocks and cms pages manually.
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Sometimes it's useful to get detect type of device on backend to be able use appropriate logic in code (blocks, templates) for different views (desktop, mobile). There is Mobile_Detect ( a lightweight PHP class for detecting devices. Would it be possible include this library in some next releases providing relevant methods of calling it?
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As a new user of M2.2, I am surprised that there is no direct link from the Dashboard, or from within the /Catalog/ and /Content/ menus, to open the Media Storage interface. Other solutions (e.g. Joomla) have a "Media Manager" link displayed on the Dashboard which allows an Admin User to manage and curate the media uploaded and used within the project - either Product Images, Videos etc. or for Page Content. It seems slightly daft that the only way I can upload an image from within the Dashboard, is to open a web page or product page for editing, then click the 'Insert Image' icon in the Editor's toolbar to launch the 'Insert Image' interface, in order to browse for and insert media files. Surely it would be a simple task to create a discrete link to the Media Storage interface, either directly from the left-hand menu or from within the slide-out menus for both of the following interfaces: Catalog Content
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admin panel
Under Catalog > Categories > Display Settings > Display Mode there are three options - products, block, product & block. I propose a fourth option for custom link, so users can link to a CMS Page or external link in the main navigation. There seems to be no easy way to do such a task currently. Creating a block and then setting the category to block only, is not a proper solution and seem more like a hack. There are to issues with this method: 1. You cannot use it to link to external pages 2. Since there does not seem to be a CMS Page Suffix like categories and product pages have, any future change to the menu from a category block to CMS Page would cause a url change and affect SEO. I see no reason why Magento should not support custom links in the navigation. My proposal above is one possible solution to the issue.
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There is no easy way to automatically add a widget to every product within a specific category. Every time a new product is added, you have to go and edit the widget and add this new product to the list. Which becomes a problem when we are talking about 1000 of products. The use case for this is a product type where we want a global instruction text for all these products within a specific category. We do not want to include this text in every single product description, because we want to update it centrally on one location if needed.
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On the ORDER > INVOICE > CREDIT MEMO form, the field Grand total is not updated when you change any value in the Refund totals block. We should be able to see and confirm the $ amount to be refunded to a Customer before submitting a refund to a credit card (or to any form of payment).
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admin panel
It would be great if there is an option to add Robots Meta tag as "NoIndex" on product pages or CMS pages. So the pages can't get indexed into Google or other search engines if we don't want to. This can be done using Robots.txt easily but an option in the backend would be great.
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Hello Magento 2 allows the website administrator to specify the number of times a purchased downloadable product can be downloaded at the product configuration stage. I would be glad if Magento team takes this to the next level and allow backend admin to specify the expiration date for a downloadable product from the backend during the same configuration. For example: Set expiration date: Day/Month/Year or Unlimited... Thanks
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We would like the ability to import a CSV that includes a full redirect map of old URLs to new URLs when a site is being replatformed on Magento. We have found with many clients that they have hundreds of redirects for various pages on the new site that needs to be created. It would be incredibly efficient if we could do a bulk import function with this so we avoid spending hours building server level redirects or entering them one at a time.
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