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As a customer, I would like to sort my wishlist or requisition list items individually so that I can can group products together and organize my lists 1. Magento 2.2 w/B2B extension 2. While on a requisition list with more than one item 3. Dragging my items will change their order within the list 4. On drop, the item position will be saved via ajax 5. On refresh, my item positions will be preserved
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Please remove the title of the Related Products, Up-Sell Products, Cross-Sell Products The appearance looks bad for the mobile when the title of product is displayed.
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Please remove the title of the Related Products ,Up-Sell Products ,Cross-Sell Products The appearance looks bad when they are displayed on the mobile.
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Google Adwords add ability to provide transaction-specific conversion values in your conversion tracking tag . See
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Our website like many, many others charges customer credit cards when they order therefore automatically creating an Invoice. Our customers can change their order before shipment so we need ability to edit the Invoice in exactly the same way as editing an Order. To take this one step farther, it would also be nice if the original Total Price could be tracked so that when the Invoice is edited, the delta charge/refund amount is shown and can be charged or refunded to the credit card.
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admin panel
Magento 2 allows developers test their code (unit, integration ... ). I have noticed that It is not common among developers to wirte tests (small amount questions in froums). I think that separating programming question from test related questions would bringing testing more out and might increase its popularity.
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I need to make a discount by producto when users buy Only 10 . But the discount is also aplyed when user buys 11. How can i solve this?
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Let me give some reasons as to why you'd want to release more often than you do today: a) bugfixes take a very long time to reach mainstream, frustrating users; this is one of the many commits I've yet to see in official releases: link; currently, this is the main reason M2 gets on the bad side of people; b) because of the above, there's a continuous pressure from us - the users -, to actually ship the bugfixes; that can't be good for your health, M2 core devs; c) new features take a long time to release, making the userbase move to friggin' WP-Commerce, because boredom; d) such long release cycles means that a big amount of code is added to the mainline at once, which makes for a very unstable/dangerous upgrade process every. blasted. time; I've yet to see the developer who can't wait to upgrade the M2 codebase of an ongoing project; e) everybody's doing it, and it works for them (from the Linux kernel, to the main browsers); I'm sure it can work for M2, as well. You've been improving, merging more community PRs. Great. But can you please release them, too? PS: Ending on a fun note, this is the worst forum app I've seen lately. ;)
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present di.xml file contains preferences,plugins,types,virtualtypes.i think its better to create separate file for each concept. advantages: present no idea.i will try to figure it out.just suddenly i got idea like this.because magento following for other xml files like this.for example routes.xml,events.xml.
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There should option in admin end, where the store owner can enable upload functionality in forms like create account form, product review form and contact us form. Also it should have the option of selecting what types of files can uploaded. This can improve the user engagement.
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Products ordered report does not show simple (child) products of configurable products When I run the "Products Ordered" report in Magento 2, configurable products show up as a single product, where the sales of all its child products were summed up. (example: if I sell chocolate bunnies in milk, dark and ivory I don't see sales for each of those chocolate types; I only see a total for all chocolate bunnies sold). Is there a way to change this so that only the child (simple) products are shown in the report with their sold quantities? We are currently using version 2.0.7 community edition.
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Right now, if there is an error during the setup:di:compile process, all those errors are displayed in the output of the command-line.
Those errors are displayed with red background and they are repeated multiple times.
It would be great if we can see just the message that there were errors during compilation.
In addition to that, we could see the path to the log file and the number of errors that have been logged.
That would keep the command-line output clean, and the error information in a log file to debug.
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Many languages for storeview are not yet availabe on magento connect including Lao. provide Lao language package. I will be appreciated for supporting the translation. English to Lao
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Magento 2.1.3: I've been given the task that when a customer with a certain property registers itself it should get a different e-mail template. What this property is, is not important for the question, but lets say for sake of simplicity I have a Service Contract that can check if the customer qualifies for the different e-mail template or not: $this->customerChecker->hasCertainProperty($customerId); // returns true or false Now this might seem like an easy task right? Just hook into `Magento\Customer\Model\EmailNotification` with a plugin or something, and modify the part where the correct e-mail template is selected. Right? public function newAccount(
CustomerInterface $customer,
$backUrl = '',
$storeId = 0,
$sendemailStoreId = null
) {
$types = $this->getTemplateTypes();
if (!isset($types[$type])) {
throw new LocalizedException(__('Please correct the transactional account email type.'));
if (!$storeId) {
$storeId = $this->getWebsiteStoreId($customer, $sendemailStoreId);
$store = $this->storeManager->getStore($customer->getStoreId());
$customerEmailData = $this->getFullCustomerObject($customer);
['customer' => $customerEmailData, 'back_url' => $backUrl, 'store' => $store],
} Right... the e-mail template is sent in this method using sendEmailTemplate(). So we can't use a interceptor for this... Well let's just look at the sendEmailTemplate()-method then: private function sendEmailTemplate(
$templateParams = [],
$storeId = null,
$email = null
) {
$templateId = $this->scopeConfig->getValue($template, 'store', $storeId);
if ($email === null) {
$email = $customer->getEmail();
$transport = $this->transportBuilder->setTemplateIdentifier($templateId)
->setTemplateOptions(['area' => 'frontend', 'store' => $storeId])
->setFrom($this->scopeConfig->getValue($sender, 'store', $storeId))
->addTo($email, $this->customerViewHelper->getCustomerName($customer))
} Darn! The method is private! So an interceptor will definitely not work here. And we also cannot use a rewrite, since private methods are not inherited. The only way to manipulate our desired functionality is by rewriting the EmailNotification and copy/paste everything that is private from this class. Which are a lot of methods and properties. --- I would suggest that the EmailNotification-class gets some refactoring so it makes it's easier for 3rd party modules to extend it's functionality. Or am I missing something here?
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There should be a book or a collection of tutorials how to use jquery, jquery-ui and knockoutjs together in Mangeto 2 for front-end developement (main focus on checkot page customisation) !
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As specified in #4832, when running the Cli application, if an exception comes up, the error doesn't get reported to the user. A suggestion from @adragus-inviqa would be a very useful tool for debugging permission issues, among other things: "This one needs better handling of the exceptions thrown in \Magento\Framework\Console\Cli::doRun(). Something like try {
$exitCode = parent::doRun($input, $output);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} This will get you the real exception." Thanks, Leonardo
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I really love the Magento command-line tool, however I would like to see the command line tool integrated in Linux / Mac. By doing that we could extend the native functionalities and be able to use the magento command with those new commands from any project. Problems Right now, if you want to add new commands to manage your Magento 2 installations, you have to add a new module with the code for the new commands to the project. So, if several community members contribute with different commands, the result is that you have several modules containing all those commands. For the same reason that the item above, if you create new commands to add new cool features, the code for those features should be added to every single Magento 2 project (as a result, more code in the codebase of those projects). If the command-line is included in the Magento 2 codebase (in the projects), it's very hard to extend and maintain for the reasons mentioned above. Magerun2 is the best example of how powerful and useful is a global command-line tool: Suggestions Since I've been contributing with the community by creating a command-line tool for Mac (, I have a couple of suggestions to improve the Magento 2 command-line tool: Release it as the Magento command-line tool in Github: It could be a separate project in Github, so the community can focus on contributing specific features/improvements to the CLI. Make it global: The Magento installer could install the tool in the /usr/local/bin/ folder to make the command-line tool global in the system. Auto-complete features: The perfect example of this is the SAWS command line tool ( Magento 2 could use the global magento command-line tool: One of the goals of the Magento 2 command-line tool is to replace the shell scripts from Magento 1 and use commands in Magento 2 instead. Those commands could be appended to the global command line tool. So, if you run the magento command from the project folder, the commands from that project will be appended to the global commands. I'd love contributing with this idea by creating a pull request and start working on the global command-line tool if the Magento team and the community like it.
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Idea: Admin Functionality to remove decimals on price globally on the site (like prestashop, opencart) Example of a thousand 1.000 This will affect how magento works globally, in some countries is not necessary decimals and others is even ilegal.
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