Submitted on
11:22 AM
Submitted by
11:22 AM
Feature request from careys7, posted on GitHub Jan 10, 2017
Magento 2.0.0 - 2.1.3 (Community or Enterprise) with Sample Data installed
Environment using magento2-docker-compose
Steps to reproduce
This issue appears to affect at least /products/ and /categories/ requests. I have added below an example for products.
Make API request for products specifying page size as 1, current page as 99999, eg:
GET /rest/default/V1/products/?searchCriteria[pageSize]=1&searchCriteria[currentPage]=9999
Host: m2.localhost:8000
Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="sitoq7tu4b1aj7kikj4irkog8tggh1ch",oauth_token="kr3bly2kbbnrr9flyws9r4mxdaagxngo",oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",oauth_timestamp="1484095699",oauth_nonce="TivkWr",oauth_version="1.0",oauth_signature="Q02C2wk4AgkDPkYAbACUoLMoXa4%3D"
Cache-Control: no-cache
Note: Page size of '1' above is a nominal value to make examples given below more concise.
Expected result
No items returned in response if (current page * page size) > total products, eg:
"items": [],
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [],
"page_size": 1,
"current_page": 99999
"total_count": 2048
Actual result
The product with highest id is returned, eg:
"items": [
"id": 2048,
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"name": "Set of Sprite Yoga Straps",
"attribute_set_id": 12,
"status": 1,
"visibility": 4,
"type_id": "grouped",
"created_at": "2016-11-13 21:24:31",
"updated_at": "2016-11-13 21:24:31",
"extension_attributes": [],
"product_links": [
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"link_type": "associated",
"linked_product_sku": "24-WG085",
"linked_product_type": "simple",
"position": 0,
"extension_attributes": {
"qty": 0
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"link_type": "associated",
"linked_product_sku": "24-WG086",
"linked_product_type": "simple",
"position": 1,
"extension_attributes": {
"qty": 0
"sku": "24-WG085_Group",
"link_type": "associated",
"linked_product_sku": "24-WG087",
"linked_product_type": "simple",
"position": 2,
"extension_attributes": {
"qty": 0
"tier_prices": [],
"custom_attributes": [
"attribute_code": "description",
"value": "<p>Great set of Sprite Yoga Straps for every stretch and hold you need. There are three straps in this set: 6', 8' and 10'.</p>\n<ul>\n<li> 100% soft and durable cotton.\n<li> Plastic cinch buckle is easy to use.\n<li> Choice of three natural colors made from phthalate and heavy metal free dyes.\n</ul>"
"attribute_code": "image",
"value": "/l/u/luma-yoga-strap-set.jpg"
"attribute_code": "small_image",
"value": "/l/u/luma-yoga-strap-set.jpg"
"attribute_code": "thumbnail",
"value": "/l/u/luma-yoga-strap-set.jpg"
"attribute_code": "options_container",
"value": "container2"
"attribute_code": "required_options",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "has_options",
"value": "0"
"attribute_code": "url_key",
"value": "set-of-sprite-yoga-straps"
"attribute_code": "is_returnable",
"value": "2"
"attribute_code": "activity",
"value": "17"
"attribute_code": "material",
"value": "41,53"
"attribute_code": "gender",
"value": "89,90,93"
"attribute_code": "category_gear",
"value": "96"
"attribute_code": "size",
"value": "100"
"search_criteria": {
"filter_groups": [],
"page_size": 1,
"current_page": 99999
"total_count": 2048
... View more
Idear is a function similar to "duplicated and edit" or "Copy and edit" like in products. But for static blocks and cms pages. It's very annoying if you got a store with multiple languages and you need to copy static blocks and cms pages manually.
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Submitted on
08:29 AM
Submitted by
08:29 AM
Feature request from Galillei, posted on GitHub Jun 15, 2016
Steps to reproduce
I use Magento 2.0.5 on php 7.0.2 and try it use with anonymous classes. It's work correctly before i try to use production mode with di compile.
for example
public function getDebug()
return (new class($this->_loadOrder){
protected $loadOrder;
public function __construct($loadOrder)
$this->_loadOrder = $loadOrder;
public function getOrderStatus()
return $this->_loadOrder->getStatus();
And try to run follow command ./bin/magento setup:di:compile
i get error
[ReflectionException] Class \Rcklss\ShipWorks\Model\$this does not exist
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Magento 2 stores files on disk in the /media dir, but this makes multi-server setups more complex as this dir needs to be shared by all machines. At the same time, cloud storage is very flexible and scalable (no more running out of disk space for example). By implementing Gaufrette, a well-known file system abstraction layer from the Symfony world, we can put our media files anywhere we like, including S3, Google Cloud, FTP and countless more places. And should a developer ever need more than this, a custom file system can be developed easily too.
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First of all, I couldn't find a feature request like this one. If there is one, my sincere apologies. I noticed that view.phtml and list.phtml have an IF-statement that checks the stock availability of a product before showing the Add-To-Cart button. However, when I use 'Allow Qty below 0' and 'Show Out of Stock products' I would like to see an option to configuratie the Add To Cart button so I can choose to show it or hide it for products with < 0 in stock. Both as configuration in general or product specifiek options. Instead of doing this multiple for every shop over and over again.
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It is frequently the case that, in a B2B scenario, there is a significant amount of divergence between pricing groups and customers who are / aren't taxable. For example, a supplier who has wholesale customers, some of which are non-profits, may want to put many companies in a single pricing band but then only charge tax to the for-profit companies. Because Magento currently overlaps these concepts completely (customer groups are how you define customer tax class) it is impossible to manage the concept of prices separate from the concept of taxability. This can be worked around by creating a taxable and non-taxable version of each price tier but this is conceptually duplication for the purpose of pricing and can become challenging to manage. Also, depending on the number of price tiers, this can take a scenario that fits into a manageable number of customer groups and cause it to explode (double?) into MANY groups. 25 price tiers isn't so bad. 50 tiers (taxable / non-taxable versions) is a LOT more painful, including from a UI perspective in the admin. Ideally, in my opinion, a customer's taxability status would be something that is set on the customer account independent of their customer group. This is conceptually proper and prevents the pricing group duplication issue. Also, though I'm not the best developer, this seems like a sane way to handle things to me because taxability seems to not need the same level of indexing that pricing does. It's a "figure in real time in the cart" value and therefore (I would think) could just be looked up on the customer record when needed. Thoughts / feedback appreciated but it would be nice to see Magento go this direction, especially with focus on B2B. ++version would be support for taxability as a discrete option on a company record that populates down to children accounts if/when company/child account become a thing
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As magento graphql doesn't support the AND/OR operations.Although it is the basic requirement so it should be there out of the box in magento.Product listing page if we do customization as it effects the navigation filtters (aggregations) & sorting as well.So it should be enhanced this feature in ecommerce.
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I'm trying to create pull request for magento provider for Apache airflow. So basically it will help to connect to different systems such as AWS , azure,Salesforce etc for etl and workflows schedule and monitoring. I think it will be very helpful to handle backend data operations. I need community support to accept this pull request
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Hello everyone, I'm experiencing slow performance on my Magento website, and I'm seeking advice on how to resolve it. Pages take a long time to load, and navigating between different sections feels sluggish. I would appreciate any suggestions or tips to improve the performance of my Magento website. Thank you!
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There is a Best Seller report that business is highlight certain products using the label. This option is available in the admin panel under Reports > Products > Best Sellers Currently, the data supports daily, monthly and yearly timeline.
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Submitted on
09:20 AM
Submitted by
09:20 AM
Feature request from leoquijano, posted on GitHub Apr 18, 2016
As described in #2264, there's currently no way to import LESS files from a theme or extension directory to the vendor/ folder. This is particularly relevant for theme developers since most custom themes could include content from different LESS libraries, and those libraries are better maintained using Composer or Bower (Bower can be configured to also put packages inside vendor/).
So suppose I have this in my theme's main.less file:
@import '../../../../../../../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less';
Now, I could use Bootstrap compiled CSS, but that wouldn't allow me to use variables and mixins from that deployment. If I try to copy Bootstrap files directly in the theme web directory, then the LESS preprocessor will pick them up and fail, since it tries to compile every file in the Bootstrap library instead of just the main one (which imports the other ones).
(And also, it's better to keep external CSS libraries in the vendor directory anyway)
The error shown is this:
File path '../../../../../../vendor/twbs/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less' is forbidden for security reasons.>
I tried to symlink the file (which is not always the best solution since some deployments may fail to reproduce symlinks adequately, especially on Windows), but it's not working either. I'll probably have to copy the full Bootstrap code in a file as a workaround, but it's more maintainable to enable some way of importing from vendor/ directory.
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The suggestion here is to create an integration with AWS Code Commit to Adobe Commerce Cloud in such a way we can control our source code in AWS Code Commit and have a continuous integration flow running at Magento Cloud, similar to what happens with GITHub and GITLab. Thanks
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Login as customer functionality from admin panel is not available if we use venia theme. This feature works with luma theme and leads to 404 if we are using venia theme. Please implement this feature in upcoming releases. Thank you!
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When managing attribute and attribute set data via the REST API, all the endpoints required to create a complete attribute set with attribute groups and attributes assigned to that set and those groups are present and available. However, the reverse is not true. There is an endpoint missing in retrieving all of this data for an already existing attribute set. Specifically, the attribute group that each attribute in an attribute set belongs to. Attributes for an attribute set are retrieved by set and do not contain the attribute group they are present in either. This is largely obstructive to the process of fully and bi-directionally integrating the attribute set system with an external source. In short, include the ID of the attribute group that an attribute belongs to in the returned JSON when listing attributes in an attribute set using the REST API. (Or otherwise include an endpoint that would make this information available).
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Submitted on
09:11 AM
Submitted by
09:11 AM
Feature request from JacobDrummond, posted on GitHub Sep 01, 2016
Apache 2.4.17
MySQL 5.0.11-dev
PHP 5.6.15
Magento 2.1.0
Feature request
Way to disable new customer welcome email when creating a customer in admin
Current behavior
No checkbox to disable welcome email:
Desired behavior
The admin customer form in Magento 1 lets you decide whether or not to send a welcome email:
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Submitted on
01:04 PM
Submitted by
01:04 PM
Feature request from tzyganu, posted on GitHub Sep 02, 2014
I have a suggestion.
Right now the image associated to the category is used in frontend as it is:
$url = $this->_storeManager->getStore()->getBaseUrl(
) . 'catalog/category/' . $image;
How about making it resizeable as the product images are?
Here is a use case when this might be needed:
One category has the layout 2-columns left.
I have one image that fits in this format.
I take the decision to change the layout for that specific category to 3columns. I have to reupload an image in the correct size, to fit in the new layout.
But if the image was resizeable, I could just change the resize values.
The resize values can even be 2 attributes in the backend, so when I change the layout I can change the width and height as well.
If these attributes are empty then the image is shown at full size.
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Submitted on
01:03 PM
Submitted by
01:03 PM
Feature request from EliasZ, posted on GitHub Oct 20, 2014
With the whole new spirit of loosely coupling the Magento 2 code base, maybe a good look can be taken at the layout definitions and its dependencies. For example, opening Magento/Backend/view/adminhtml/layout/default.xml reveals the following definitions which can be moved:
<link src="Magento_Rule::rules.js"/> <!--Magento_Rule can take care of this-->
The following can be moved to Magento_RequireJS:
<link src="requirejs/require.js"/>
<link src="mage/requirejs/resolver.js"/>
<block name="require.js" class="Magento\Backend\Block\Page\RequireJs" template="Magento_Backend::page/js/require_js.phtml" />
<referenceContainer name="after.body.start">
<block class="Magento\RequireJs\Block\Html\Head\Config" name="requirejs-config"/>
More in after.body.start:
<block class="Magento\Translation\Block\Js" name="translate" template="Magento_Translation::translate.phtml"/> <!--Magento_Translation can take care of this-->
And so forth.
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Submitted on
01:03 PM
Submitted by
01:03 PM
Feature request from clockworkgeek, posted on GitHub Oct 25, 2014
On a couple of Magento1 sites I've had to configure nginx and have found .user.ini files to be most reliable. It is significantly easier than editing the system php.ini then restarting PHP-FPM and worrying about automatic updates over writing your work. Although the exact filename can be changed with user_ini.filename setting I have yet to see any server change this.
For Magento 2 I suggest two files, /.user.ini and /pub/.user.ini , to allow for situations where Magento files are not stored in the web root and are linked to instead. Their content is derived from the .htaccess .
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Submitted on
01:00 PM
Submitted by
01:00 PM
Feature request from seansan, posted on GitHub Dec 01, 2014
When a coupon is made with maximum uses per customers. Then one would expect it to check the database for an order from that customer (and we have the email). Or at least an option: if not logged in, check email too.
So the option use coupon once only counts logged in customers
When there should also be a check for (unique) email counts per order for guest checkouts
This would be great to add. We have a customer who has ordered every month the last year with a coupon code that can only be used once per customer. It is not closed loop solution: but checking for an already existing order from the email you would solve 99%
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Submitted on
01:00 PM
Submitted by
01:00 PM
Feature request from markoshust, posted on GitHub Aug 13, 2015
Here is a screenshot of a module that is in development:
The deep nesting is a bit extreme and I don't think it is needed, specifically in regards to the name="children" elements. Is there any way to consolidate these by attribute rather than element, so setting something like is-child="true" accomplishes the same thing?
I haven't explored the Magento 2 XML layers significantly, however I'm assuming this appears in a few different other locations as well. Anything to assist us devs debugging this very deep nesting would be helpful.
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