Feature request from Asitis, posted on GitHub Jun 10, 2016
Would it be possible to make the import/export function also available for all the static pages and blocks? Nowadays webshops are barely just products, but also consist of a lot of static content, but migrating it is a real headache. It is doable by exporting/importing database tables but it's a hassle to set all the correct storeviews, ID's and pages. Plus in a combination of static blocks tied to widgets in a certain theme, this is horrific.
It would be nice to see some WordPress functionality here, if you export stuff from WordPress and import it in another you get a screen with all the variables (like author and such) and you can select to create that author, or adding that content to another existing author. The same could be in Magento;
How it could work
If you import Pages and/or Blocks, it could be mapped to all storeview by default, or (like WordPress) show the option to add the missing storeviews or add them to an exisiting.
Adding Widgets would ask for input about which theme, storeview and block it would be assigned to, or leave the block open (and import is as inactive) to add the blocks at a later stage after the import
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Feature request from RUjmiak, posted on GitHub Jun 10, 2016
It would be great to have not just message as response when request is not successful.
For example adding product to cart
response 400 Bad request and message "You need to choose options for your item."
or 400 Bad request and message "This product is out of stock."
or 400 Bad request and message "We don't have as many \"Chaz Kangeroo Hoodie-XS-Gray\" as you requested."
Compare messages to identify error is not good approach... even when you want to connect to more magento websites with different languages...
Did you think about it?
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Feature request from pynej, posted on GitHub Jun 10, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento from 2.0.7 branch.
Generic store data
Create and order
Open the order in Sales->Orders
Expected result
It would be nice if there was a Print dropdown or a Print All button on the main order page similar to the index page so that we don't have to click down into Invoice or Shipping and do multiple Print operations on an order.
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Feature request from jpdata, posted on GitHub Jun 17, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.0.7 with Sample Data
Get all products with REST API for example GET /rest/V1/products?searchCriteria=
Expected result
All products and every pruct with a produc_links array and every product_link with a extension_attributes array
Actual result
All products and every pruct with a produc_links array and every product_link with a extension_attributes but for some products it returns an array even empty [] for others with one element does return the single element (not in an array). It should return an array allways, regarding the number of elements returned.
Some time it returns:
some times returns:
As I said it should allways return an array:
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Feature request from qwerty7869, posted on GitHub Jul 01, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Add products in cart
Hit api GET /V1/carts/mine/items
Response will be
"item_id": 244,
"sku": "24-WB04",
"qty": 2,
"name": "Push It Messenger Bag",
"price": 45,
"product_type": "simple",
"quote_id": "202"
"item_id": 245,
"sku": "MSH03-33-Black",
"qty": 1,
"name": "Meteor Workout Short",
"price": 32.5,
"product_type": "configurable",
"quote_id": "202",
"product_option": {
"extension_attributes": {
"configurable_item_options": [
"option_id": "90",
"option_value": 49
"option_id": "138",
"option_value": 177
Expected result
Response should have product row total and image which is the basic functionality required in all the sites.
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Feature request from Ctucker9233, posted on GitHub Jul 12, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Install Magento 2.1
Setup cron jobs as per official documentation.
Expected result
Working installation with running cron jobs and no errors in debug log
Actual result
Working installation with running cron job, but every time the jobs are run, a main.DEBUG: cache_invalidate: is thrown.
The way I see it, there are two ways to fix it. Code it in a way so that "notifications" (which is what this seems like) are not reported in the debug log, or create a notification.log where things like this can be written. On a side note, it would be nice to have some automated way to clear these logs.
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Feature request from PierAlex, posted on GitHub Jul 14, 2016
It would be useful to have the ability to send newsletter selecting one or more customer groups and or adding and deleting single customers from the 'mailing list'.
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Feature request from basselalaraaj, posted on GitHub Jul 26, 2016
The translation module is converting special characters to HTML entities when saving the translations. By moving the converting method to a separate public function, it will be possible to create a plugin, if someone wants to use html code in the translations.
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Feature request from rikterbeek, posted on GitHub Jul 26, 2016
For an 3D secure payment(creditcard) on Adyen (payment provider) you first do a Authorization call to authorize the card. If the card is enrolled for 3D secure the shopper is redirected to the bank page where he can authentication himself. After authentication the shopper comes back to the shop and a second API call needs to be done to validate the 3D secure payment. The nicest way to do this is using the executeCommand through DI in the same way as authorized,refund,cancel and capture. In the Magento\Payment\Model\Method\Adapter file there is no 3D secure command. Could you add this or could you make executeCommand protected instead of private so you can overwrite this in a custom Adapter for your payment method ?
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Feature request from paales, posted on GitHub Jul 31, 2016
I just added 19 products to my category. The frontend doesn't show any products. It would be really helpful to give a hint why a product isn't visible on the shop. (After being a Magento developer for years, I still struggle with such a basic thing..)
In an effort to improve the usability of the system and greatly improve the merchant experience, context aware hints are crucial. Explain what is going on and how should the merchant fix their 'mistakes'.
The idea is to add a visibility-helper-icon to product grids so that it is clear why products aren't shown and suggestions how to fix this.
With this, we can collapse the Visibility, Status and maybe Websites column into one 'Visibility Helper' column (or just an icon behind the name of the product). The visibility helper icon will have a popover with additional information why this is happening:
Not visible:
Icon: http://fontawesome.io/icon/eye-slash/
Product isn't visible anywhere //one or more applicable
Product is disabled [Enable Product]
Inventory is set to 0 [Set inventory] //when the setting is enabled
Product is set to Not Visible Individually and isn't part of a composite product [Make visible]
Product is set to Catalog but isn't connected to a visible category
The product has limited visibility
Product is set to Not Visible Individually but part of a composite product.
Product is set to Search [Set Catalog Search]
OR Product is set to Catalog, Search but isn't attached to a visible category. [Add Category]
Product is set to Visibility: Catalog but isn't connected to a visible category [Assign to Category]
The above conditions don't match
Gives a link to the category and product view page.
How are we going to handle store view / website specific values without having huge popovers?
Might it be a good idea to include salable information as well?
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Feature request from Corefix, posted on GitHub Aug 01, 2016
Magento 2.1
Steps to reproduce
Go to Admin
Go to Products > Catalog
Select a Product
Go to Images And Videos
From here their is no way setting use default for images
Expected result
Their should be a use default for images, otherwise it is hard for admins to see if an image is associated on store view or not.
Actual result
No use default settings or anyway to determine this.
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Feature request from paales, posted on GitHub Aug 03, 2016
I want to have all product information imported but I want to be able to override the description of a certain product, but the prices and stock should import like normal.
Just like the new core config values, it would be nice to have a scope above the default scope. This would solve the problem that a Merchant needs to overrides the values on each store-view (which is undoable with a Multi Store Setup).
If the Use Import Values is unchecked the Merchant is able to change the value. A new flag gets created in a new catalog_product_import_export_overrides (or some other table) table. When importing the system checks this table to skip certain import-values.
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Feature request from kassner, posted on GitHub Aug 17, 2016
Looks like there is no way to add a new page layout from a module. The only place that loads layouts.xml files is here, but the method specifically iterate over registered themes and is protected , so is not possible to intercept using a plugin.
I'm not sure if we can just make it public . Is there another approach to fix this?
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