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10:56 AM
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10:56 AM
Feature request from Taral-Patoliya, posted on GitHub Nov 03, 2016
I am working on a store where i need to import products on a daily basis and the number of products may go up to more then 1,90,000. The Store discount heavily depends on the customer groups which are around 8800 including the core ones in number.
The Products are imported seamlessly, but when trying to reindex the Catalog Product Price index , it inserts 130 million records in catalog_product_index_price_final_idx table which takes huge time to complete.
Also the customer groups does not have any alternative. because catalog price rules, and tier prices depend heavily on them.
130 million records are a very huge amount of data on a mysql installations.
Note We have 15000 products as of now, but it is expected to increase to 1,90,000. so the number of records in catalog_product_index_price_final_idx table may got up to 1.65 billion records.
Note: The infrastructure of the server is optimized for high performance, with SSD for storage and MySQL configured using percona db.
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Submitted on
10:56 AM
Submitted by
10:56 AM
Feature request from pareshe, posted on GitHub Nov 02, 2016
In checkout when click on Place order button take time around 13 seconds.
And when
Store > Configration > Sales > Sales Emails > General Settings > Asynchronous sending > Enable.
Then it take 7 seconds.
So it take to much time ,also send email from admin order view page. Also sending custom email using
observer "checkout_onepage_controller_success_action".
So email sending very slow.
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Feature request from schnappenberger, posted on GitHub Nov 09, 2016
if you delete an image a.jpg from a product A gallery and have another product B which uses a.jpg, then a.jpg will be deleted in file system and product B looses this image also.
Magento 2.1.2
Apache 2
Mysql 5
Steps to reproduce
Import some Products with the same image gallery
Open a product in admin and delete an image, which is used in other products
Have a look on the gallery of the other products
Expected result
Image relation is deleted from database, the image in filesystems stays if there are relations from other products
Image in filesystem is only deleted if there are no other relations
Actual result
Image relation in database and in filesystem is deleted
Other products which uses this image have now a relation to a non existing image file
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Feature request from devonto, posted on GitHub Oct 13, 2016
There is a typo in the message being displayed to a user when removing a coupon code. One 'l' when it should be two in 'cancelled'.
\vendor\magento\module-checkout\Controller\Cart\CouponPost.php line 137 is currently:
$this->messageManager->addSuccess(__('You canceled the coupon code.'));
And should be:
$this->messageManager->addSuccess(__('You cancelled the coupon code.'));
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In Magento 2 checkout page when customer chooses country the page makes an ajax call and refreshes shipping-methods section. Unfortunately I have not found any tutorials how to duplicate what is happening. I suggest Magento 2 should make a tutorial how it is done so developers can duplicate that process. - add custom filters to shipping-methods or payment. I have asked about that in but like normally the checkout page seems to be the most mysterious part of the Magento 2 (no replies).
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My questions are how to add dropdown to the shipping method section and if specific method has been selected (the one that developers have been thought about) make address field required to be filled? I have added image about what i am asking to the post. History: In magento 1.X the developers just edited the phtml file that displayed the shipping method (can be found, when searched) but in magento 2.x uses html files where php can't be used. Example: some countries uses post-offices where customers can get their orders. So the shop owners need possibility to add dropdown of post offices to the website. Also when they can select to pick up in post office or shop then why they need to add their address making the address field dependable with selected shipping method. I have tired to solve it myself but I do not like none of the solutions that i have came up with: adding the selection field with jQuery (somehow adding it to the order) below shipping method its content depends on shipping method that is selected (main disadvantages are that it might decrease the speed and user has to scroll down to add post office) or writing completely new shipping module that contains this possibility (Magento updates might have added dependency or changed the overwritten files that might brake the website or make module unresponsive - writing new module means writing over many default files rising risks and making the default shipping method useless (main functionality in this kind cms)). I have tried to ask help Magento Community Forums (programming section) and Magento Stack Exchange - no response! Both of these websites contains a lot of questions about checkout page that are without no replies including many almost duplicate questions about the problem i am facing . Are they without answer because developers lack such knowledge or something else that is unclear. The main issue is, that I find those functionalities described elementary in such cms and can not understand why they are not added. Why developers have not thought about that user group - Magento is used all over the globe and so should be the features that can be added without changing too much the original code? The modules (extendability) not included to Magento should be dealing with only special requirements like slider or adding blocks (that has been well documented) or third party connection (Facebook, POS... ) ... But not functionalities like those where there is atleast entire country in need such features! Difficulty adding such features (that most developers can not manage (posts i have found in web while researching [example1])) is not allowing the shop owners to began using Magento 2.
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It would be nice if there were two buttons in addition to the 2 already existing: one to go to the first page of the pagination of the datatable, and one to go to the last page.
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Feature request from rbostan, posted on GitHub Oct 15, 2016
Magento 2.1.2
Steps to reproduce
No needs to reproduce
Expected result
If there is a column named 'Used For' for email templates, we can see our custom email templates more clear.
Actual result
No need.
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Feature request from razbakov, posted on GitHub Oct 14, 2016
As Administrator I want to be able to upload files for each products in order to show link on frontend.
Magento 2.1
Steps to reproduce
I created upgrade script to create attribute with this properties:
'type' => 'varchar',
'input' => 'file',
'label' => 'Datasheet',
'required' => false,
'visible_on_front' => true,
'backend' => 'My\Module\Model\Product\Attribute\Backend\Datasheet'
Here is my backend model:
namespace My\Module\Model\Product\Attribute\Backend;
use Magento\Framework\App\Filesystem\DirectoryList;
class Datasheet extends \Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\AbstractBackend
const MEDIA_SUBFOLDER = 'datasheet';
protected $_uploaderFactory;
protected $_filesystem;
protected $_fileUploaderFactory;
protected $_logger;
* Construct
* @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
* @param \Magento\Framework\Filesystem $filesystem
* @param \Magento\Framework\File\UploaderFactory $uploaderFactory
public function __construct(
\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger,
\Magento\Framework\Filesystem $filesystem,
\Magento\Framework\File\UploaderFactory $uploaderFactory
) {
$this->_filesystem = $filesystem;
$this->_uploaderFactory = $uploaderFactory;
$this->_logger = $logger;
public function afterSave($object)
$attributeName = $this->getAttribute()->getName();
$fileName = $this->uploadFileAndGetName($attributeName, $this->_filesystem->getDirectoryWrite(DirectoryList::MEDIA)->getAbsolutePath(self::MEDIA_SUBFOLDER));
if ($fileName) {
$object->setData($attributeName, $fileName);
$this->getAttribute()->getEntity()->saveAttribute($object, $attributeName);
return $this;
public function uploadFileAndGetName($input, $destinationFolder)
try {
$uploader = $this->_uploaderFactory->create(array('fileId' => 'product['.$input.']'));
return $uploader->getUploadedFileName();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if ($e->getCode() != \Magento\Framework\File\Uploader::TMP_NAME_EMPTY) {
throw new \FrameworkException($e->getMessage());
return '';
Question on Stackoverflow:
Expected result
Attribute value is shown in backend.
Actual result
Attribute is shown in backend and saves value in database.
Attribute value is not shown in backend.
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Feature request from grasdaggel, posted on GitHub Oct 14, 2016
Used composer to upgrade to 2.1.2 (broken M2 version)
Used composer to downgrade to working 2.0.9
Steps to reproduce
Used composer to upgrade to 2.1.2 (broken M2 version)
Used composer to downgrade to working 2.0.9
deleted all temporary folders and did the setup:upgrade
Expected result
Everything is working again
Actual result
This output:
Please upgrade your database: Run "bin/magento setup:upgrade" from the Magento root directory.
The following modules are outdated:
Magento_Theme schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Theme data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Customer schema: current version - 2.0.7, required version - 2.0.6
Magento_Customer data: current version - 2.0.7, required version - 2.0.6
Magento_Cms schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Cms data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Catalog schema: current version - 2.0.7, required version - 2.0.3
Magento_Catalog data: current version - 2.0.7, required version - 2.0.3
Magento_Search schema: current version - 2.0.4, required version - 2.0.1
Magento_Search data: current version - 2.0.4, required version - 2.0.1
Magento_Bundle schema: current version - 2.0.2, required version - 2.0.1
Magento_Bundle data: current version - 2.0.2, required version - 2.0.1
Magento_Downloadable schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Downloadable data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Sales schema: current version - 2.0.3, required version - 2.0.1
Magento_Sales data: current version - 2.0.3, required version - 2.0.1
Magento_GroupedProduct schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_GroupedProduct data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_CatalogRule schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_CatalogRule data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_SalesRule schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_SalesRule data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Swatches schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_Swatches data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_GiftMessage schema: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Magento_GiftMessage data: current version - 2.0.1, required version - 2.0.0
Of course we did bin/magento setup:upgrade several times now.
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Feature request from thaopw, posted on GitHub Oct 21, 2016
Magento CE 2.1.x
Steps to reproduce
Declare a namespace (includes a space character or newline) like value in .xml files tags
<argument name="productDataProvider" xsi:type="object"> Magento\Catalog\Ui\DataProvider\Product\ProductDataProvider </argument>
Expected result
Similar declare (ignore newline, space in tags value) :
<argument name="productDataProvider" xsi:type="object">Magento\Catalog\Ui\DataProvider\Product\ProductDataProvider</argument>
And initialize a class "Magento\Catalog\Ui\DataProvider\Product\ProductDataProvider" in the constructor
Actual result
Magento System initialize an object have namespace like " Magento\Catalog\Ui\DataProvider\Product\ProductDataProvider " and return an error below:
Magento\Catalog\Ui\DataProvider\Product\ProductDataProvider does not exist
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Feature request from paales, posted on GitHub Oct 14, 2016
Steps to reproduce
Create a category/search page with a lot of configurable products with (image?) swatches
Make sure the normal cache is loaded (loading another page)
Load the category page.
Expected result
Page should load timely
Actual result
It seems underlying product's images are loaded as well. These images aren't used when rendering a category page.
They are loaded here:
I'm seeing a huge performance boost when I'm disable that line, and it doesn't seem to degrade in functionality (it doesn't use those images).
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Feature request from phoenix-bjoern, posted on GitHub Oct 06, 2016
As a developer who writes an order export for Magento2 you would expect that besides the getBillingAddress there would be also a getShippingAddress method. While all the [g/s]etShipping... methods exists in the Magento\Sales\Model\Order model (which is the actual implementation of the OrderInterface) those elementary shipping-address methods are not part of the API interface.
Example: $order is declared as type Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface. Practically the code "$order->getShippingAddress()" works but from a declarative view the method does not exist in the API and the implementation therefore is technically wrong.
While it is understood that not all orders have a shipping address (virtual orders/goods) the majority of orders processed in ecommerce actually have a shipping address. So the shipping-address methods should become part of the OrderInterface like it is already the case for the billing-address methods.
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Feature request from phoenix-bjoern, posted on GitHub Oct 06, 2016
As a developer you need to be able to retrieve categories by certain conditions e.g. to select categories by their parent ID or by their ID path. Currently this is only possible by using the categorie's resource model directly which is an unclean approach.
The ProductRepositoryInterface provides a getList method which allows a developer to select products by using the SearchCriteriaInterface. For categories this should be possible in the same way.
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As specified in #4832, when running the Cli application, if an exception comes up, the error doesn't get reported to the user. A suggestion from @adragus-inviqa would be a very useful tool for debugging permission issues, among other things: "This one needs better handling of the exceptions thrown in \Magento\Framework\Console\Cli::doRun(). Something like try {
$exitCode = parent::doRun($input, $output);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
} This will get you the real exception." Thanks, Leonardo
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Feature request from andidhouse, posted on GitHub Sep 21, 2016
Sry this is not a bug report but a recommendation.
We are following magento development from releasing on - and struggle hard with all the bugs.
What i realize is that lots of bugs are reported back meaning the magento team answers like "what version of xyz do you use" or "we cannot replicate this issue here" etc.
This is very time consuming for us users and also for the magento team i guess so i would really strongly recommend magento to set up demo stores ov each version and each upgrade so we users can test the bugs on official installed versions.
Also a recommendation for the server systems (Ubuntu/Debian), PHP, Nginx etc.) would be great so we users can use the same stable systems for our clients.
Me and my company are a bit tired of all the major bugs at the moment with magento 2 because some bugs seem to here for over half a year and are still there. Pls magento take this not as an attack but just a try to speed up bug fixing as a bug reported on your systems need no further pingpong in a bug ticket regarding versions, installed os etc. etc.
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Feature request from AlashaHonore, posted on GitHub Sep 14, 2016
Magento CE ver. 2.1.0 with sample data.
Steps to reproduce
I have a widget.xml file that work properly,
<depends><parameter name="name1" value="1" /></depends>
Expected result
Need a way to use multiple dependences.
Actual result
Can only use one dependence.
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In order to display customer data on pages cached in the full page cache (Varnish or built in), the Magento framework and Magento customer module provide a number of related tools that enable this feature. Some details are outlined in the official documentation found at Creating such a dynamic section on a cached page requires the use of two interfaces: * Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface * Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface The interface Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface is only referenced in the configuration file etc/frontend/di.xml, but the interface Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface has to be implemented in a custom class. These interfaces currently are not marked with the @api annotation. Please add this annotation so the feature can be used in custom modules. This actually also extends to the JavaScript "classes" Magento_Customer/js/customer-data and Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/element/element (a.k.a uiElement). Please also mark these as stable so the feature can be used as described in the documentation. Thank you!
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In order to display customer data on pages cached in the full page cache (Varnish or built in), the Magento framework and Magento customer module provide a number of related tools that enable this feature. Some details are outlined in the official documentation found at Creating such a dynamic section on a cached page requires the use of two interfaces: * Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface * Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface The interface Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionPoolInterface is only referenced in the configuration file etc/frontend/di.xml, but the interface Magento\Customer\CustomerData\SectionSourceInterface has to be implemented in a custom class. These interfaces currently are not marked with the @api annotation. Please add this annotation so the feature can be used in custom modules. This actually also extends to the JavaScript "classes" Magento_Customer/js/customer-data and Magento_Ui/js/lib/core/element/element (a.k.a uiElement). Please also mark these as stable so the feature can be used as described in the documentation. Thank you!
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I really love the Magento command-line tool, however I would like to see the command line tool integrated in Linux / Mac. By doing that we could extend the native functionalities and be able to use the magento command with those new commands from any project. Problems Right now, if you want to add new commands to manage your Magento 2 installations, you have to add a new module with the code for the new commands to the project. So, if several community members contribute with different commands, the result is that you have several modules containing all those commands. For the same reason that the item above, if you create new commands to add new cool features, the code for those features should be added to every single Magento 2 project (as a result, more code in the codebase of those projects). If the command-line is included in the Magento 2 codebase (in the projects), it's very hard to extend and maintain for the reasons mentioned above. Magerun2 is the best example of how powerful and useful is a global command-line tool: Suggestions Since I've been contributing with the community by creating a command-line tool for Mac (, I have a couple of suggestions to improve the Magento 2 command-line tool: Release it as the Magento command-line tool in Github: It could be a separate project in Github, so the community can focus on contributing specific features/improvements to the CLI. Make it global: The Magento installer could install the tool in the /usr/local/bin/ folder to make the command-line tool global in the system. Auto-complete features: The perfect example of this is the SAWS command line tool ( Magento 2 could use the global magento command-line tool: One of the goals of the Magento 2 command-line tool is to replace the shell scripts from Magento 1 and use commands in Magento 2 instead. Those commands could be appended to the global command line tool. So, if you run the magento command from the project folder, the commands from that project will be appended to the global commands. I'd love contributing with this idea by creating a pull request and start working on the global command-line tool if the Magento team and the community like it.
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