I have installed Mageno 2 (ver 2.3.4) , php 7.3.14
I have the following cloud details: 2 CPU Cores, 4GB RAM, 50GB SSD,
1) The Mageno mode is in production.
2) The cron Lock has been configured : https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/install/cli/install-cli-subcommands-lock.html
3) i have enabled the Memcached
4) Enable the java script bundle to save server time: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/frontend-dev-guide/themes/js-bundling.html
But still getting server load when i browse 4 -5 pages on the website
According to site ground i am using a lot of resources and this is the input they gave me
28855 //public_html/pub/index.php
9111 /public_html/index.php
2467 /public_html/pub/static.php
611 /public_html/pub/get.php
33 /public_html/pub/errors/404.php
Do you know why this is happening? I have no idea how to solve it
and what else i can do?
Solved! Go to Solution.
Do you have any other caching implemented for your website?
Magento 2 can be a resource hog out of the box but it can be tuned and with proper caching in place (like LiteMage Cache or Varnish), it can be tamed to fit in most servers.
Thank you for your answer.
We are using the Static Cache of site ground and Memcached option.
We are still facing server load specially when you log with the mobile to the website.
Nothing is helping here...
don't know what else i can do?
It sounds like the caching system may not be working for mobile?
You may need to take a look at solutions like LiteMage Cache or Varnish and if you still see similar issues, maybe it is time to upgrade your server?
Well, site ground doesn't support LiteMage Cache or Varnish...
And i don't think that upgrade is needed in my case.
I have the same issue of CPU load at command cron:run with Siteground.
In my case, it is on shared hosting where it is not possible to increase the CPU.
Listen my friend
I had so many issues with site ground over the years.
They always told me that i should check my code and my PHP.
Do yourself a favor and solve all your issues by moving to cloudways - https://www.cloudways.com/en/pricing.php
Once i did that i have ended the suffering with siteground.
Maybe site ground are good in WordPress but for Magento they are the worse in my opinion.
I have paid siteground more than 110$ per month and got server load all the time. and in magento 2 i needed to pay also for elastic search.
With cloudways all my issues have been solved and the website 10 times faster and i am paying 80$ per month.
Hope it will help
@françois_villon wrote:
I have the same issue of CPU load at command cron:run with Siteground.
In my case, it is on shared hosting where it is not possible to increase the CPU.
You'll need something more than shared hosting to run Magento smoothly.
You should definitely consider an alternative solution with your own server (preferably fully managed) where you have access to more resources.
I will recommend also going with a provider who specializes in Magento so you can seek assistance for Magento related issues.