Hi all,
I'm new to Magento and managed to install Magento on a digitalocean droplet. I followed the documentation and having a lot off issues.
- RAM issues mostly
- Installing components with install wizard
- Installing components with compose.
I have the following setup:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- 1 cpu
- 3GB ram
- Apache
- PHP7.2
- Mysql
- php.ini 2gb
- .htaccess 2gb
- Swap file 265mb
I found this page: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/performance-best-practices/hardware.html
It tells the folliwing:
Scenarios and expected PHP memory requirements:
- Webnode serving only storefront pages: 256 MB
- Webnode serving admin pages with a large catalog: 1 GB
- Magento 2 cron indexing a site with a large catalog: >256 MB (See advanced-setup to tune for optimal performance.)
- Magento 2 compile and deploy of static assets: 756 MB
- Magento 2 using the web setup wizard to install or upgrade a store with several 3rd party extensions: 2 GB
- Magento 2 performance toolkit profile generation: >1 GB PHP RAM, >16 MB MySQL TMP_TABLE_SIZE & MAX_HEAP_TABLE_SIZE settings
- Webnodefrontpage 265mb how do i configure this?
- Webnode serving admin pages 1GB how do i configure this?
- Magento 2 compile and deploy of static assets: 756 MB how to configure?
- Magento 2 cron indexing 265mb how do i change this?
- By default the TMP_TABLE_SIZE and MAX_HEAP_TABLE_SIZE is 16MB do i need to reconfigure this?
Hopefully someone can explain me how make a good setup.