I'm trying to configure magento to store sessions in memcache, ideally replicating that on two different memcache.
For now I'm trying to make it work with a single memcache server, I installed both memcache and memcached extensions, and I configured them :
extension = memcache.so
session.save_handler = memcache
session.save_path = 'tcp://'
(I also had some other options for failover and replications but since I can't even get it working with one server, let's drop that for the moment).
And then in the local.xml of magento :
Now the site seems to be working fine, I can add products in my cart. If I stop the nginx of the server I'm on, I do get sent to one of the other servers (using haproxy for this) but the cart becomes empty.
I checked and the usual session directories (/tmp, var/session in magento ..) are empty, so it doesn't look like it's using the files handler, but it doesn't look like it's using memcache either.
Any idea what I'm missing ?