It's not directly relevant to your question, but I'm curious why you are using the Sass theme instead of the build in Less one?
That aside, you need to run `npm install` in the vendor/snowdog/frontools directory. After that is installed, you can symlink the config by running `gulp setup`. You will need to set up theme.json. There is information here:
To be honest I am pretty confused by how to use Frontools as well.
I've had some bother previously with it, but now I have got rid of my errors, but that might be because the it doesn't seem to be compiling my styles from the Sass.
My styles.scss file is at: app/design/frontend/Mycompany/mysite/web/css/styles.scss
My setup in themes.json (dev/tools/frontools/config/themes.json) is:
{ "blank": { "src": "vendor/snowdog/theme-blank-sass", "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Snowdog/blank", "locale": ["en_US"] }, "upscalemenswear": { "src": "../app/design/frontend/Mycompany/mysite", "dest": "../pub/static/frontend/Mycompany/mysite", "locale": ["en_US"], "parent": "blank" } }
I don't exactly know what I should be seeing, but the frontend of my site is completely trashed. I have abandoned the gulpfile.js from inside my theme and was planning on porting all of my Sass processing to postcss inside Frontools, leaving my gulpfile.js only for image & js processing.
EDIT: It seems that the CSS of my theme is not being compiled or being placed in pub/static/frontend/Mycompany/mysite/en_US/ - is this supposed to happen?
Paths in your child theme doesn't looks correct or you just trying to make something weird... Let's try to remove "../" from src and dest.
Second thing is "stylesDir" param, you have to set it to "web/css" if you want to use different path than default "styles".
So the final config should looks like this:
{ "blank": { "src": "vendor/snowdog/theme-blank-sass", "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Snowdog/blank", "locale": ["en_US"] }, "upscalemenswear": { "src": "app/design/frontend/Mycompany/mysite", "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Mycompany/mysite", "stylesDir": "web/css", "locale": ["en_US"], "parent": "blank" } }
My understanding is that Less based themes are on the way out. I think I'll wait until the base themes have been ported over to Sass.
@Jack Hughes Do not wait for SASS in M2, unless you can handle few years without working store
I have implemented your amends - thanks for that, but it seems that it has sprung up a bunch of other issues now sadly.
Here is a gist of the output from running gulp styles:
Let's remove "var/view_preprocessed/frontools" directory and it should work better.
But at all looks like some of your imports may be broken too.
Ah, one more thing, you shouldn't keep "node_modules" inside you theme directory, b/c Frontools might try to compile files inside them (i.e. test.scss from sass-lint module)
OK, that's probably the problem.
Do they need to be added inside frontools then, or just in the root of the Magento install? I have a node_modules folder in the theme currently, which is more than likely trying to be compiled.