First of all, this is an excellent tool, great props to you guys for sharing it, it really helps my development workflow. I have a couple of questions about setting up the theme.json file and how it relates to the folder structure.
This is my themes.json config for my custom theme:
... "custom-theme": { "src": "app/design/frontend/Jason/custom/web", "dest": "pub/static/frontend/Jason/custom", "locale" : ["en_US"], "lang": "scss", "postcss": ["plugins.autoprefixer()"] } ...
The scss files for my theme are located in 'app/design/frontend/Jason/custom/web/css' as per the (LESS) conventions.
Initially, my 'src' key was set to 'app/design/frontend/Jason/custom', but I realised that gulp output the css file into 'pub/static/frontend/Jason/custom/web/css' instead of my desired 'pub/static/frontend/Jason/custom/css' folder, hence my modification.
My first question is if this is working as intended, or did I mess up somewhere? Perhaps I should set the 'parent' key of my custom theme to the Magento blank theme? But given that the Magento blank theme does not use Sass, do I need to do that?
Secondly, the config files in '/dev/tools/frontools/config' are the ones I use for configuration. I also noticed that there are a different set of sample config files in '/tools/config' after running 'gulp setup'. Should I be placing my config files in there instead?
Rename `web/css
Rename `web/css` to `styles` (in modules too) and should works fine.