Hello, i'm very new in Magento and i was just following a frontend tutorial on customizing the site's homepage.
I added a slider on my new magento theme through the content > pages sections and gave it a class of "slider-primary" next to its pre-existing class "pagebuilder-slider".
I saved the changes and the class name appears when i inspect the page.
Now i tried adding some css in the code inside my own theme's directory in (themename)/web/css/source/sections/_slider-primary.less and i enabled developer mode.
The tutorial now tells me to delete a few directories with the following command:
rm -rf var/cache/* var/view_preprocessed/* pub/static/frontend
but i get a "no matches found:" error for each of those.
I tried reloading the site to see if the css was working but nothing changed.
Can i get some help please?
Too many things to explain, you have to read this - https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/frontend-dev-guide/css-topics/css-preprocess.html