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Can Anyone Share the Sample Data for the Home Page - Luma Demo?

Can Anyone Share the Sample Data for the Home Page - Luma Demo?

Hello! I searched EVERYWHERE and can't figure out how to do the home page just like Luma demo store: (I would be happy with anything similar as well)...

Can anyone, please, share the steps on how to do it or share the sample data so I can replicate and get the home page done?



Vanessa Lino

Lino Fitness


Re: Can Anyone Share the Sample Data for the Home Page - Luma Demo?

Hi, @iamjuliera,


Here is a link to official documentation:

And an additional link to readme of sample data GitHub repository:


Is your Magento cloned from Github, installed by composer or just extracted from an archive?

Re: Can Anyone Share the Sample Data for the Home Page - Luma Demo?

I signed up with a new hosting company (A2 Hosting) and they installed a fresh new Magento install for me.