What should I change in my custom theme (with blank theme as parent) to load the products list in the homepage ?
Currently, I'm doing it by adding the following widget to "homepage" content in the back office :
{{widget type="Magento\CatalogWidget\Block\Product\ProductsList" products_count="10" template="product/widget/content/grid.phtml" conditions_encoded="a:1:[i:1;a:4:[s:4:`type`;s:50:`Magento|CatalogWidget|Model|Rule|Condition|Combine`;s:10:`aggregator`;s:3:`all`;s:5:`value`;s:1:`1`;s:9:`new_child`;s:0:``;]]"}}
But I'd like to get the same directly from my custom theme.
Not exactly sure your question, are you just trying to show it on the homepage?
Yes, I just want to show it on the homepage.