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How can I change the order of the product on the home page?

How can I change the order of the product on the home page?

I want to change the positions of the products on the homepage..

I tried already many things but how can I do this easy?


Hope someone can help me out!



Kind regards,


Dany van Dijk


Re: How can I change the order of the product on the home page?

Hi Dany,


While I'm more familiar with Magento 1.x, what I think you want to be looking for is the "Visual Merchandizer," which (on 1.x) is found on the category management section of your Admin Panel.  It does act a little squirrely when refreshing the cache/saving the category (basically resets everything to an arbitrary default) so you may have to play around a little.  Hope that helps (or at least guides you in the right direction.)

