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How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2

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How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2

when i am adding custom css file in magento 2.1.4 i am getting these error how resolve it

Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/sample-module-theme/sample/en_US/css/custom.css'
#0 D:\xampp\htdocs\magento3\vendor\magento\framework\App\StaticResource.php(97): Magento\Framework\View\Asset\File->getSourceFile()
#1 D:\xampp\htdocs\magento3\vendor\magento\framework\App\Bootstrap.php(258): Magento\Framework\App\StaticResource->launch()
#2 D:\xampp\htdocs\magento3\pub\static.php(13): Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap->run(Object(Magento\Framework\App\StaticResource))
#3 {main}

Accepted Solutions

Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2


Why don't you use .LESS CSS so it is compiled into one style.css file? 

Magento Certified Solution Specialist | Lead Magento developer
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Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2

Can you paste complete path to your CSS file where have you saved it, for example:



Also, paste layout XML content.

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Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2

this is the path of where style sheet saved




<css src="css/custom.css" order="100"/>


added code like this


Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2


Why don't you use .LESS CSS so it is compiled into one style.css file? 

Magento Certified Solution Specialist | Lead Magento developer
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Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2



yes i am created _theme.less file and generated  _theme.css file and as well it's updating style-m.css and style-i.css if i am refresh the page styles not loading even after compile also not loading everytime i need to run the command

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

then only styles adding

Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2



Can you check that you are deploying static content for your store locale. By default, Magento deploys static content for en_US unless specified otherwise. 



Secondly, make sure that you flush magento cache.

Magento Certified Solution Specialist | Lead Magento developer
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Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2

hello i also try to call my custom.css but its not reflacting after success of deploy even flush the cache please help if some one know i m using 2.2.1 version

Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2


If you want to add the JS and CSS file from a custom module in Magento 2, you can use this way.


1. Add the CSS file.
- Create the file _module.less in the path app\code\PHPCuong\BannerSlider\view\frontend\web\css\source
- Import the less file from your file


2. Add the JS file.
- Create the file requirejs-config.js in the path app\code\PHPCuong\BannerSlider\view\frontend
- Map the JS file


3. Deploy the static content again.
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy


4. Test and see the results
- php bin/magento cache:flush


You can see this video

A tutorial detail about How to add the JS and CSS files into a custom module in Magento 2

You can get the source code on the github


I hope it will save your time.

Re: How to add a custom CSS file in Magento 2

Thank you very much! this is working.