When im inspecting the element it says the logo is in folder:
But i cant find this folder in my ftp and i cant directly upload the SVG to magento
Is there a quick way to achieve this without modifying core file?
Nevermind, i already got it working:
I had to rename the old standard magento luma logo to another name and my new logo in logo.svg in folder /public_html/app/design/frontend/Magento/luma_child/web/images
In your admin panel, navigate to System > Configuration. In the left panel, under Advanced, choose Developer. Expand the view of the frontend Developer Settings.
Set the value of Template Settings > Allow Symlinks to "Yes". Save your changes. In your file system, navigate to the /app/design/frontend/[package]/[theme]/template/ directory.
Create a symbolic link to the /skin/frontend/[package]/[theme]/images/logo.svg file. Clear the cache.
Your new logo should now be visible on the frontend.
Prepare your new logo: Make sure you have a new SVG logo file that you want to use. You can use a graphic design software like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape to create or edit your logo.
Upload your logo file: Upload your new SVG logo file to the server using FTP or SSH.
Modify the XML layout file.
After following these steps, your new SVG logo should appear on your website.
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how did you get it work?