Is it possible to have images resized automatically when importing to help speed and work?
Hi @Hegartys,
Magento does the autoamtic resize. Is an out-of-the-box feature and, by default, is defined on your theme.
Did you found some snceario where images are not being resized?
Hi Thanks - But if the images I am loading are too big is that not bad ? Will this not slow site down ? and what size does magento2 resize the images too ?
Hi Hegartys,
When we do product import for our clients, we use Irfanview software to resize and optimize all the images before the import. This free software does a great job at optimizing the images for perfect compression/size ratio so Google will be happy and store pages will be fast. And it can optimize/resize images in batches so you process all the images in a folder and even all subfolders at once - takes a few minutes to process hundreds if not thousands of images . You can find more information and download that software here:
Hope this helps.
Themes has a etc/view.xml file and there you'll find something like:
<image id="product_page_image_large" type="image"/> <image id="product_page_image_medium" type="image"> <width>700</width> <height>700</height> </image>
In that section you are choosing the size of images.
If you imported image is bigger than that, Magento will riseze automatically. This process create a copy of the original file with the defined size.
So you first problem won't happen (the too big image won't be used). But maybe the resized image won't be perfect (becaue the resize is automatic).
In that case, as @Finestshops said, you can use an external tool to resize images before the import process.