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Luma Demo without color.

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Luma Demo without color.

I playing around with the demo articles. Now I want that a configurable product (and there underlaying simple products) can be seen (and chosen) without the color option (This because there are only for example "shirts" with a different size, but no different color). I tried to remove "color" from the attributeset, but that was not allowed.

Can somebody help me out!!!


Accepted Solutions

Re: Luma Demo without color.


Sorry for the delay.


I have made the video on how to create configurable product with size attribute in Magento 2 -



Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.

View solution in original post

Re: Luma Demo without color.

Yes I did the step one by one and now it's working.... but....

In the backend I can not choose a configurable product other than the one I just made.

On all other "configurable items"items I get: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/badmint2/public_html/vendor/magento/module-configurable-product/Model/Product/Type/VariationMatrix.php on line 39

But I can choose the "simple product" from all "configurable items"?


I think I simply delete all other items and rebuild the samples Smiley Happy

View solution in original post


Re: Luma Demo without color.



Can you please specify - your configurable product is already created and it has color? Or you want to create new configurable product but without color attribute?


This is important info to advise you on this regard.

Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.

Re: Luma Demo without color.

Thnx for the reply,

I will try to be more specific. I have already created a set of items (a T-shirt, onde configurable item and three simple items). Thay al have the same color. But now I stille have te choose the color (and aftre that the size) to put it in the basket. So now I want to override the color ( now it is required to select) and just select a size en throw it in the basket Smiley Happy


I tried to take the attributeset (in demo: "Top") and copied this one to a new name: "Cloth". I removed the productattribute "Color" and rebuild a set of items just like before. But when I do this, You can see the "configurable item", but no simple item.


So my question: How can i do all the tricks that the demo does, but without the required color option??



Re: Luma Demo without color.



Have you created associated simple products to configurable via configuration wizard?



if yes, this Wizard allows you to select configurable attributes on the basis of which to create simple product, so here you just need to check box for size, not color.



Alternative way with new attribute set, you need to unassigned unnecessary attributes from attribute set (drag&drop to Unassigned attributes section) and when creating new product they will not be visible for products.


Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.

Re: Luma Demo without color.

I (re)created the items by import. As you take a look here you can see the item, but not the sizes. (the photo is not there, but you can see the item),

In this picture you see the items at the backend, I added to the standardview "kleur" (color) and "maat" (size), so you can see that the size is filled, but the color is empty




and here you see the attributeset. You can see at the most right column that "kleur" (color) is NOT assigned to the attributeset "bas"



So why I don't see the sizes now? Or does "Luma"simple not allow configurable items without color??

Re: Luma Demo without color.



Sorry, I cannot see your screen-captures, I guess they should be moderated first and then visible.


and here you see the attributeset. You can see at the most right column that "kleur" (color) is NOT assigned to the attributeset "bas"

You have mentioned that attribute color is unassigned from attribute set 'bas' and as for your parent configurable and associated simple products: do they all belong to attribute set bas?


Check this step-by-step tutorial on configurable products creation in Magento 2, maybe it will give you a hint -





Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.

Re: Luma Demo without color.


Thnx for the reply. I looked at the link and that story was great to read. But all these things are done (just like the document). I'm beginnen to think its not possible to work with configurable items without color. DO YOU KNOW ANY SITE WHO HAS THAT?

I think I have to work something out programmaticly?


Re: Luma Demo without color.

Hello @bassiethuis


Maybe you can describe each action step-by-step? Since I have tried to create configurable product without color and it worked with default Magento 2. 


So maybe I'm missing something. 

Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.

Re: Luma Demo without color.

Can you send me a backup from the sql and an export of the data? Then i will check what i do wrong. Or do you have somewhere a demo site wit one color?

Thnx for all the great support


Re: Luma Demo without color.

I will make a short video for you on how I created configurable with size attribute only.


Give me some time.

Store Manager for Magento 1.x and 2.x - inventory management tool to automatically update products, customers, orders, and other data across multiple sales channels and suppliers.