We've created an ultra fast front-end based on React technology.
We have integrated it already with Magento 1&2 and others opensource shops scripts.
PWA for Magento can be enabled or disabled.
Here is our demo (PWA off):
Live example, with 15k Sku (PWA on):
We have been working on this since 1 year and its still long way to go, but now you can let us know what do you think.
Stack : React, Redux, Gatsbyjs, ElasticSearch
Would you implement this frontend in your store?
The page loading time is really too fast.
We should try to implement this in frontend.
The site is working amazing. What is the status of the theme.
Is it usable on live websites?
Can you please reply.
I am interested in implementing a similar solution.
Vinod Kumar
90 points for mobile and 100 points for desktop
1. "What is the status of the theme."
We have our 2 themes right now, but we are working on 2 more themes.
If you have custom theme in your magento we can code it. We can also code from .PSD/.PNG files. There is no limitation how shop can look.
2. "Is it usable on live websites?"
Yes, it is why we made it for. Right now couple of shops working on our fronted.
How I can contact you about possible layout implementation/buying layout?
The performance is really good! Congrats to the team!
@AllottedStone wrote:Hello,
How I can contact you about possible layout implementation/buying layout?
Sure, we are willing to integrate this into any magento 1 or 2 shop.
@Marcin Kwiatkowski wrote:The performance is really good! Congrats to the team!
Dzięki Marcin.
Hello Everyone,
Please have a look at Webkul Headless PWA for Magento 2. This is also built on ReactJS using Magento PWA Studio, please share your thoughts.