Magento not producing style-l.css,etc for child th... - Magento Forums
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Magento not producing style-l.css,etc for child theme having luma as parent?

Magento not producing style-l.css,etc for child theme having luma as parent?

Weird behavior from magento after trying to make mycustomtheme with parent luma.


When I put _extend.less in incorrect location: 

app/design/frontend/mevendor/mycustomtheme/css/source (missing web folder before css), the ls/dir output from:

var/view_preprocessed/pub/static/frontend/mevendor/mycustomtheme/en_US contains:

Magento_AdvancedCheckout  Magento_GiftCardAccount                         Magento_Newsletter                  Magento_Sales
Magento_AdvancedSearch    Magento_GiftMessage                             Magento_PageBuilder                 Magento_SalesRule
Magento_Banner            Magento_GiftRegistry                            Magento_Paypal                      Magento_SendFriend
Magento_Bundle            Magento_GiftWrapping                            Magento_ProductVideo                Magento_Swatches
Magento_Catalog           Magento_GroupedProduct                          Magento_ReCaptchaCheckoutSalesRule  Magento_Theme
Magento_CatalogEvent      Magento_InstantPurchase                         Magento_ReCaptchaCustomer           Magento_Vault
Magento_CatalogSearch     Magento_InventoryConfigurableProductFrontendUi  Magento_ReCaptchaFrontendUi         Magento_VersionsCms
Magento_Checkout          Magento_InventoryInStorePickupFrontend          Magento_ReCaptchaNewsletter         Magento_Weee
Magento_Cms               Magento_Invitation                              Magento_ReCaptchaReview             Magento_Wishlist
Magento_Contact           Magento_LayeredNavigation                       Magento_ReCaptchaSendFriend         PayPal_Braintree
Magento_Customer          Magento_LoginAsCustomerFrontendUi               Magento_Reports                     css
Magento_CustomerBalance   Magento_Msrp                                    Magento_Review                      info.json
Magento_Downloadable      Magento_MultipleWishlist                        Magento_Reward                      js-translation.json
Magento_GiftCard          Magento_Multishipping                           Magento_Rma                         mage

The css/source folder above contains style-l.css and style-m.css. The css on the website is not broken but conceivably the css in _extend.less is not being applied to the produced styling.



Whereas if I put the _extend.less in correct folder location: 

app/design/frontend/mevendor/mycustomtheme/web/css/source , the ls/dir output from 

var/view_preprocessed/pub/static/frontend/mevendor/mycustomtheme/en_US contains:

Magento_PageBuilder  css  info.json  js-translation.json  mage

The css/source folder above does NOT contain style-l.css and style-m.css & as a result everything is broken. The website's homepage only references 1 css file calendar.css and no other css.



In both cases the _extend.less contains the following


I have repeatedly run the following to no avail

rm -rf /home/magento/pub/static/* /home/magento/var/view_preprocessed/* /home/magento/var/cache/*
cp /root/.htaccess /home/magento/pub/static/ 
#re-copying htaccess above to static folder just in case it got lost
magento cache:flush
magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
chown -R www-data:www-data /home/magento
chmod -R 777 /home/magento

Why is magento not compiling all the styles when I include _extend.less inside web/css/source for mycustomtheme? But when selecting Magento/luma from admin panel for the frontend everything works just fine. Going crazy trying to solve this for the past week. I have installed different versions of php, mariadb and at one point downgraded from debian 12 to 11 suspecting some internal bug but nothing has worked.


Re: Magento not producing style-l.css,etc for child theme having luma as parent?

I made a new magento installation in ubuntu 22 and everything is working out of the box! Can anyone at least tell me which php code is responsible for generating the static files

I have looked inside without success:





 Can anyone plz tell me which class/file is actually responsible for deciding/implementing the less process and finally saving output static files in view_preprocessed