I have a problem with my site that I'm developing. I have bought a template, and unfortunately, the vertical navbar is not expanding. I have more than the categories displayed in the navbar, but the +Category button is not working, and I can see that chrome says void(0); at the bottom of the page. I tried contacting the template developer, but no luck, and I have no idea how to diagnose this issue. Any suggestions?
Thank you.
In case you wanted to visit the website you can check it out here.
Here is the code of the for the main page do you guys see anything wrong with it?
<?php ?> <?php /** * Top menu for store * * @see \Rokanthemes\VerticalMenu\Block\Verticalmenu */ ?> <?php $_helper = $this->helper('Rokanthemes\VerticalMenu\Helper\Data'); $_config = $_helper->getConfig('verticalmenu'); $columnsLimit = 0; if($_config['general']['enable']) { ?> <?php $_menu = $block->getVerticalMenuHtml(); ?> <nav class="navigation verticalmenu side-verticalmenu"> <h2 class="title-category-dropdown"><span><?php echo __('Categorias'); ?></span></h2> <ul class="togge-menu list-category-dropdown" style="display:none;"> <?php echo $_menu; ?> <li class="expand-category-link"> <a href="javascript:void(0);"><?php echo __('Categorias') ?></a> </li> <?php echo $block->getLayout()->createBlock('Magento\Cms\Block\Block')->setBlockId('vertical_background_images')->toHtml();?> </ul> </nav> <script type="text/javascript"> require([ 'jquery', 'rokanthemes/verticalmenu' ], function ($) { $(".verticalmenu").VerticalMenu(); $('.cms-index-index .navigation.verticalmenu .togge-menu').hide(); $('.title-category-dropdown').click(function(event){ $('.navigation.verticalmenu .togge-menu').slideToggle('slow'); $(this).toggleClass('active'); }); $( document ).ready(function() { var lenghtLi = $('.cms-index-index .navigation.verticalmenu .ui-menu-item.level0').length; var limitItemShow = <?php echo $block->getConfig('limit_show'); ?>; if(lenghtLi > limitItemShow) { $('.navigation.verticalmenu .ui-menu-item.level0').each(function( index ) { if(index >= (limitItemShow - 1)) { $(this).addClass('orther-link'); $(this).hide(); } }); $('.navigation.verticalmenu .expand-category-link').show(); $('.navigation.verticalmenu .expand-category-link').on( "click", function() { $(this).toggleClass('expanding'); $('.navigation.verticalmenu .ui-menu-item.level0.orther-link').slideToggle('slow'); }); } }); }); </script> <?php } ?>