I am running Magento 2.2.4 version and I need to display Out of stock products at the end of the categories page.
I have added the below code in vendor/magento/module-catalog/Block/Product/layer.php
$collection->joinField('in_stock', 'cataloginventory_stock_item', 'is_in_stock', 'product_id=entity_id', 'in_stock>=0', 'left')->setOrder('in_stock','desc');
But its not working
Can anyone let me know how to display out of stock products at the end of the page?
You can refer below links for out of stock product at end of list page.
Magento-2 Display out-of-stock products at the end of the-list-page
Using above blog entire module is given for display out of stock product at end of page for category listing page and Search result page.
The url you mentioned that code don't work
the solution offered in your blog breaks up sorting by name or by price.