Hello there!
My problem is quite similar to
but this solutions is not working for me.
We installed magento on windows/xampp.
Everything was fine untill we decided to include new .js files to our module.
We added it to require.js and run "magento setup:static-content:deploy"
After static files was generated we could not see our changes from any .css and .js files.
Our changes is not added to static files.
After we 'Flush Static Files Cache' via admin pannel our frontend is broken and inside pub/static we have just one file
We use developer mode and command 'magento deploy:mode:show' displays "Current application mode: developer"
We tried everything from here https://mage2.pro/t/topic/259
We set write access to needed folders and we have all required .htaccess files described in this topic.
But after static files are flushed they are not generated.
Please, help us.