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Add to Wishlist Guest Message

Add to Wishlist Guest Message

This is a 2 part question:


  1. Currently if a guest customer presses "Add to Wishlist" button they are redirected to the login/register page without any message. How would I go about adding a message such as "The add to wishlist feature is only available to registered users, please login or signup for an account to use it".
  2. One the customer has logged in after pressing the "Add to Wishlist" button they are redirected to the wishlist page but it does not added the product. How can I get it to add the product after login or alternatively redirect to the product page with a message to say you can now add to wishlist.

Re: Add to Wishlist Guest Message

Hi, any progress on this issue? I'm searching for message too. Did you succeed to show a message for the guest user after the redirect?