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Bundle - Is this scenario possible?

Bundle - Is this scenario possible?



My client has some very specific requirements for some bundles he requires for his Air Soft website:

Bundle Definition


Bundle Name Custom Gun 1 - Price £500 (manually set by me)

This bundle is made up of child products below

1 x product A (the price is not relevant)
2 x product B (the price is not relevant)
1 x product C (the price is not relevant)


Bundle Name Custom Gun 2 - Price £750 (manually set by me)

This bundle is made up of child products below

1 x product D (the price is not relevant)
4 x product B (the price is not relevant)
2 x product E (the price is not relevant)


Bundle Custom Gun 1 stock quantity is dynamically created based on the child quantities on the system.

So if there are 2 x A, 5 x B and 1 x C showing as in stock then there would be only 1 x Bundle Name Custom Gun shown on stock.


If the Bundle Name Custom Gun 1 is sold then the bundle's stock becomes out of stock and the child product stock quantities are adjusted down by the quantities on the Bundle Name Custom Gun 1


If someone bought 1 x C so there were none left in stock then stock of Bundle Name Custom Gun 1 would become zero as there would not be enough stock of child quantities to build the bundle.




If someone bought Bundle Name Custom Gun 2 then as that would leave only 1 x B left in stock then the Bundle Name Custom Gun 1 would go out of stock as there would not be enough B to make it.


If a bundle is refunded or cancelled then the child stock associated with that bundle is then returned to stock.


I know some of the above is handled already but some elements do not appear to be (for example you cannot set the price of the bundle but only as a % you want to offer on the bundle as a whole vs the individual parts?

