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Change telephone input field to number

Re: Change telephone input field to number

I'm afraid your approach is wrong/confusing...

1. Shouldn't Web template files have .html extension?


I came to this topic because I'm currently trying to do that exactly the way you displayed here (by creating a plugin on layoutRenderer and modifying elementTmpl property.


In my case it would be

["telephone"]['config']['elementTmpl'] = 'Magenteiro_FirestoreCustomizations/ui/template/form/element/telephone';

And my template file is currently located at `app/code/Magenteiro/FirestoreCustomizations/view/base/web/ui/template/form/element/telephone.html`.

I'm still getting error in the frontend ...

[ERROR] Failed to load the "Magenteiro_FirestoreCustomizations/ui/template/form/element/telephone" template requested by "checkout.steps.billing-step.payment.afterMethods.billing-address-form.form-fields.telephone".

Ricardo Martins -