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Composer issue for cloud commerce version 2.3.5-p1

Composer issue for cloud commerce version 2.3.5-p1

 I tried to run the command 'composer require magento/module-page-builder-product-recommendations' but started facing 404 error for some core modules.
Later I tried composer install/update command,it showing as:

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

  Problem 1
    - The requested package magento/magento-cloud-metapackage >=2.3.5 <2.3.6 exists as magento/magento-cloud-metapackage[2.4.0] but these are rejected by your constraint.
  Problem 2
    - The requested package magento/product-recommendations could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.

Potential causes:
 - A typo in the package name
 - The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
   see <> for more details.
 - It's a private package and you forgot to add a custom repository to find it

Read <> for further common problems.



Re: Composer issue for cloud commerce version 2.3.5-p1



The Product Recommendations content type in Page Builder is supported in Magento 2.3.1 and later and available in the Product Recommendations metapackage versions 3.0.x or later.


You can check below shared developer document:

Manish Mittal

Re: Composer issue for cloud commerce version 2.3.5-p1

Hello Manish,

My magento version is 2.3.5-p1
I added product recommended module three weeks before. It was working fine. 

Suddenly while composer update, it started showing eeror.

I removed all the external composer and its dependency and tried to run update command.
Still facing same issue.

Below is my composer.json

    "name": "magento/project-enterprise-edition",
    "description": "eCommerce Platform for Growth (Enterprise Edition)",
    "type": "project",
    "version": "2.3.5",
    "license": "OSL-3.0",
    "config": {
        "preferred-install": "dist",
        "sort-packages": true
    "repositories": {
        "repo": {
            "type": "composer",
            "url": ""
    "require": {
        "magento/magento-cloud-metapackage": ">=2.3.5 <2.3.6"
    "suggest": {
        "ext-pcntl": "Need for run processes in parallel mode"
    "conflict": {
        "gene/bluefoot": "*"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Magento\\Setup\\": "setup/src/Magento/Setup/",
            "Magento\\": "app/code/Magento/",
            "Zend\\Mvc\\Controller\\": "setup/src/Zend/Mvc/Controller/"
        "psr-0": {
            "": [
        "files": [
        "exclude-from-classmap": [
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Magento\\Sniffs\\": "dev/tests/static/framework/Magento/Sniffs/",
            "Magento\\Tools\\": "dev/tools/Magento/Tools/",
            "Magento\\Tools\\Sanity\\": "dev/build/publication/sanity/Magento/Tools/Sanity/",
            "Magento\\TestFramework\\Inspection\\": "dev/tests/static/framework/Magento/TestFramework/Inspection/",
            "Magento\\TestFramework\\Utility\\": "dev/tests/static/framework/Magento/TestFramework/Utility/"
    "minimum-stability": "alpha",
    "prefer-stable": true,
    "extra": {
        "component_paths": {
            "trentrichardson/jquery-timepicker-addon": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js",
            "components/jquery": [
            "blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "lib/web/jquery/fileUploader",
            "components/jqueryui": [
            "twbs/bootstrap": [
            "tinymce/tinymce": "lib/web/tiny_mce_4"
        "magento-force": true,
        "magento-deploystrategy": "copy"

Re: Composer issue for cloud commerce version 2.3.5-p1

Thanks for your help Manish.
I got the issue.
Authentication key was expired.

Re: Composer issue for cloud commerce version 2.3.5-p1



great! yes composer.joson looks okay. I was just going to ask check your auth. Anyways good to hear. 

Manish Mittal