I am looking around magento and thinking to start using it for my website. But I'd like to check if an option I have on my current website, can be applied to magento too.
I have products, which are the same, but from different suppliers and for that reason they have different SKUs.
now currently I have a field in the database, which I set all alternate SKUs so when a visitor search with the code on the website and the search have no results (because the item with that particular SKU is not available) it will search for the alternate SKU and display the other alternate products if available.
Is something like this possible in magento?
Will making a new attribute (searchable) called sku2 help? Magento will not allow a product to have 2 attributes with the same name. So depending on which attribute you want searchable, you can give your visitors the experience you have in mind.
thank you both for your help. I will try it and see what it works
Hi, @robertbits i am facing the same issue as yours. what solution did you use for different SKU code for the same product.
I ended up using an extension "Barcode Management" https://www.magestore.com/barcode-management, which gave me the option to give multiple barcodes to the same sku.