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Email date-time locale

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Email date-time locale

I'm trying to edit email template and format created date of a Magento 2.3 installation.

The date in the email is written using this variable

 {{var order.created_at}}

And I think that It is created using the following function of vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order.php

     * Get formatted order created date in store timezone
     * @param int $format date format type (\IntlDateFormatter::SHORT|\IntlDateFormatter::MEDIUM
     * |\IntlDateFormatter::LONG|\IntlDateFormatter::FULL)
     * @return string
    public function getCreatedAtFormatted($format)
        return $this->timezone->formatDateTime(
            new \DateTime($this->getCreatedAt()),            $format,            $format,            $this->localeResolver->getDefaultLocale(),            $this->timezone->getConfigTimezone('store', $this->getStore())


This function must read Locale (it_IT in my case)


but the date is always formatted in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm

Is it correct?

I'd like to use italian version dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm, it is possible? How to debug this?