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Error after disable a module successfully

Error after disable a module successfully


I disabled facebook business extension module successfully

this is the message showing:

The following modules have been disabled:

- Facebook Business Extension

Cache cleared successfully. Generated classes cleared successfully. Please run the 'setup: di :compile' command to generate classes. Info: Some modules might require static view files to be cleared. To do this, run 'module:disable' with the --clear-static-content option to clear them.


but after that, when I try to check my module status, it shows an error:


There are no commands defined in the "module" namespace.





I don't know why, could anybody help me with this?? Thank you very much!




Re: Error after disable a module successfully


The image of the error is not visible. 

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200+ Magento 2 Extensions for Enhanced Shopping Experience.

Re: Error after disable a module successfully


Sanjay is right, we cannot see your screenshots.

That said, have you tried to reindex and clear cache after the operation?

The whole process of removing a module in the terminal would be like so:

$ bin/magento module:disable <your-module-name>

$ bin/magento setup:upgrade

$ bin/magento indexer:reindex

$ bin/magento c:f

... maybe this helps.

Re: Error after disable a module successfully

Thank you for notifying me, I just change the image info to text.

Re: Error after disable a module successfully

Thank you for replying me, I tried bin/magento setup:upgrade command, but there was still an error: 

There are no commands defined in the "setup" namespace.


Then I ran php bin/magento, and several errors displayed on my terminal:


In ServiceManager.php line 1129:

An abstract factory could not create an instance of magentosetupconsolecomm 

  andinfobackupslistcommand(alias: Magento\Setup\Console\Command\InfoBackupsL 



In ServiceManager.php line 940:

An exception was raised while creating "Magento\Setup\Console\Command\InfoB 

  ackupsListCommand"; no instance returned


In ParameterReflection.php line 43:

Class Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableFactory does not exist


Re: Error after disable a module successfully


Sanjay is correct, we can't see your screen captures.

All things considered, have you attempted to reindex and clear reserve after the activity?

The entire cycle of eliminating a module in the terminal would resemble so:

Re: Error after disable a module successfully

Ok first you need to run


composer dump-autoload


Then run the respective Magento commads 

Re: Error after disable a module successfully

first run 

composer dump-autoload


php bin/magento setup:upgrade
php bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
php bin/magento indexer:reindex
php bin/magento cache:flush