A cart price rule is set in the magento ,so when an order is being prepared in an extension a rule is applied on the quote due to which a discount is applied on the final order,I don't want to remove the cart rule,but need to change make some changes in the extension while generating quote,so that no cart-rule can get applied on the final order.
Already Tried
quote->setAppliedRuleIds(' ')
quote->setcouponcode(' ')
removed quote->collecttotal->save()
Discount is getting applied on the final price of the order
Try This One :
After Preparing Quote And Before Submitting To Get Order Object
try { // Override CartPrice Rules On Quote : $quote->setCouponCode(''); $quote->setAppliedRuleIds(''); // end $quote->collectTotals()->save(); // Setting Discount on items : foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item) { $item->setDiscountAmount(0); $item->setBaseDiscountAmount(0); $item->save(); } // end // Submitting Quote To get Order Object /** @var \Magento\Quote\Api\CartManagementInterface */ $order = $this->cartManagementInterface->submit($quote); // end // Override CartPrice Rules On Order : $order->setCouponCode(''); $order->setAppliedRuleIds(''); // end // Setting Discount Amount on Order $order->setDiscountAmount(0); $order->setBaseDiscountAmount(0); // end $order->save(); } catch (\Exception $exception) { // Silence Or Log The Error/Exception }
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