I need following query in Magento 2 format,
SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE customer_id IN ( 0, 5 ) ORDER BY feed_id DESC ) AS t1 GROUP BY position limit 0,5
For details of all the SQL Operation, Custom SQL Query in Magento 2 Standard Way
You can get custom collection query using Magento way by below way,
<?php protected $_resourceConnection; protected $_connection; public function __construct( \Magento\Framework\App\ResourceConnection $resourceConnection ) { $this->_resourceConnection = $resourceConnection; } public function getCollection() { $this->_connection = $this->_resourceConnection->getConnection(); //Your custom sql query $query = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE customer_id IN ( 0, 5 ) ORDER BY feed_id DESC ) AS t1 GROUP BY position limit 0,5"; $collection = $this->_connection->fetchAll($query); return $collection; }
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@Rakesh Jesadiya Thanks for response, I've already tried with this logic but default Pagination does not working on this collection.
I need custom collection query like Magento default collection, so I can use filtering and sorting.
so do you have any idea for this ?
You can try with collection object as below way,
I havent try this solutions but may be works for you,
public function __construct( \Vendor\Modulename\Model\CustomFactory $customFactory ) { $this->customFactory = $customFactory; } public function getMyQuery(){ $collection = $this->customFactory->create()->getCollection(); $collection->getSelect()->columns( array( 't1' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE customer_id IN ( 0, 5 ) ORDER BY feed_id DESC') ); )->group( 'position' ); }
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I have tried this but default pagination does not work on this collection.
For You above collection is working as per magento way? if working above way,
just pass preparelayout function in your block,
protected function _prepareLayout() { parent::_prepareLayout(); if ($this->getCollection()) { $pager = $this->getLayout()->createBlock( 'Magento\Theme\Block\Html\Pager', 'custom.pager' )->setCollection( $this->getCollection() ); $this->setChild('pager', $pager); $this->getCollection()->load(); } return $this; }
where $this->getCollection() is your custom collection.
if issue solved, click kudos/accept as solutions.
@Rakesh Jesadiya Following solution returns syntex error while using custom collection
public function __construct( \Vendor\Modulename\Model\CustomFactory $customFactory ){ $this->customFactory = $customFactory; } public function getMyQuery(){ $collection = $this->customFactory->create()->getCollection(); $collection->getSelect()->columns( array( 't1' => new \Zend_Db_Expr('SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE customer_id IN ( 0, 5 ) ORDER BY feed_id DESC') ); )->group( 'position' ); }