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How can i remove ".00" (decimal place) from price range filter on layered navigation ?

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How can i remove ".00" (decimal place) from price range filter on layered navigation ?

Magento Version : 2.3.0

According to my client requirement, need to remove ".00" decimal places from price range filter on category page layered navigation.


For that please see screenshot : 



Please suggest me, how can i achieve it ?


Re: How can i remove ".00" (decimal place) from price range filter on layered navigation ?

Hello @yagnik_solanki 


Please try the below solution:

  1. Create di.xml at app/code/YourNamespace/YourModule/etc/

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <config xmlns:xsi=""
        <preference for="Magento\Framework\Pricing\PriceCurrencyInterface"
                    type="YourNamespace\YourModule\Model\PriceCurrency" />

  2. Create PriceCurrency.php at app/code/YourNamespace/YourModule/Model/

    namespace YourNamespace\YourModule\Model;
    use Magento\Framework\Pricing\PriceCurrencyInterface;
    class PriceCurrency extends \Magento\Directory\Model\PriceCurrency implements PriceCurrencyInterface
         * @inheritdoc
        const PRECISION_ZERO = 0;
         * {@inheritdoc}
        public function format(
            $includeContainer = true,
            $precision = self::PRECISION_ZERO,
            $scope = null,
            $currency = null
        ) {
            return $this->getCurrency($scope, $currency)
                ->formatPrecision($amount, $precision, [], $includeContainer);

Source: Magento 2: how to remove decimal values from layered navigation


Hope it helps.

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Re: How can i remove ".00" (decimal place) from price range filter on layered navigation ?

Thanks for reply,

I already tried this type of solution but i need to only for layered
navigation price range filter not for whole site.

can you have any other solution for this?

Re: How can i remove ".00" (decimal place) from price range filter on layered navigation ?

Please try the below solution:


Open the file:



At line 23, you'll find:


<?= /* @escapeNotVerified */ $filterItem->getLabel() ?>


Replace it with:

<?php echo str_replace(".00","",$filterItem->getLabel()); ?>


Implement the above steps and you'll get the solution.

If you've found my answer useful, please give"Kudos" and "Accept as Solution"

Re: How can i remove ".00" (decimal place) from price range filter on layered navigation ?

Thanks for reply,

I have fixed issue my way.