I need the product field "disabled" attribute to be dependent from two other checkbox fields. For now I have it dependent from one field like this (DataModfier):
protected function customizeFieldSub(array $meta)
{ $dependentPath = $this->arrayManager->findPath('show_email_for_instant_price', $meta, null, 'children');
if ($dependentPath) { $meta = $this->arrayManager->merge( $dependentPath . static::META_CONFIG_PATH, $meta,
'dataScope' => 'dependent_field',
'validation' => [
'required-entry' => true,
'validate-zero-or-greater' => true
'formElement' => 'input',
'additionalClasses' => 'admin__field-small',
'imports' => [
'disabled' =>
'!ns = ${ $.ns }, index = field1:checked'
return $meta;
I need something like this:
'imports' => [
'disabled' =>
'(!ns = ${ $.ns }, index = field1:checked) && (!ns = ${ $.ns }, index = field2:checked)'
But it doesn't work this way. And also it doesn't allow to use functions there. How can I achieve what I want? I need the field to be disabled until you enable two checkboxes