Please how do I set products without attribute to inherit the default attribute.
Background story:
I have about 300 attributes created without logic on my site.
Now i am trying to clean it up by deleting this attribute sets but I am worried about having products without any attributes at all.
So I want a scenerio where if an attribute set is deleted, the product inherits the default attribute
1. Find the id of "Attribute Set" in the database column
UPDATE eav_entity_type SET default_attribute_set_id = '%YOUR_Attribute_Set_ID%' WHERE eav_entity_type.entity_type_code = 'catalog_product';
3. Re-index and Clear cache
1. Please check your attribute set id, where you want to switch.
2. Get product id and use them to set the new attribute set.
$attributeSetId = 12; //set attributeSetId, In which you want to set the product. $product_id = 10; // product id of that product, whose attribute set you to want to change. $storeId = YOUR STORE ID; // store id of the product, where product exists. $objectManager = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance(); $product = $objectManager->create('Magento\Catalog\Model\Product')->load($product_id); $product->setAttributeSetId($attributeSetId)->setStoreId($storeId)->save();
@seopaykobo5726 wrote:Hello,
Please how do I set products without attribute to inherit the default attribute.
Background story: eTenet.com
I have about 300 attributes created without logic on my site.
Now i am trying to clean it up by deleting this attribute sets but I am worried about having products without any attributes at all.
So I want a scenerio where if an attribute set is deleted, the product inherits the default attribute
1.Find id of "Attribute Set" in database column eav_attribute_set.attribute_set_id
2.UPDATE `eav_entity_type` SET `default_attribute_set_id` = '%YOUR_Attribute_Set_ID%' WHERE `eav_entity_type`.`entity_type_code` = 'catalog_product'; 3. reindex and clear cache
@seopaykobo5726 wrote:Hello,
Please how do I set products without attribute to inherit the default attribute.
Background story:
I have about 300 attributes created without logic on my site.
Now i am trying to clean it up by deleting this attribute sets but I am worried about having products without any attributes at all.
So I want a scenerio where if an attribute set is deleted, the product inherits the default attribute
Rails allows us to change the type and set the default value of the attribute.